
Showing posts from November, 2022

Go, where you will feel most alive ...!

But, How do we know.... ?  Where we will feel.."Most Alive...?" In mountain ranges...? Is it during the Trecking...? In wavy high seas ...?  During Fishing..? In dense forests....? Hunting, without hurting.... In vast expanse of a desert...? Traversing between sand dunes..? In water falls...?  To dive from the heights.. Or... Why not...? Walking for wandering and solace...! Or  Sitting for stillness....! Much better... Have you travelled inside of you...? Have you gone into the depths of YOU...? Wharever it may be..... What ever it may take... Find out & JUST GO.... Or May be... GO & FIND OUT...! FIND YOURSELF... BE ALIVE,  LOVELY & LIVELY not just live & exists.. I Mumbai Murugan....

Pure Love... True Love...!

All we need is ... Pure Love ❤♥πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’• & A liking πŸ‘πŸ‘Œfor each other.. Then, Two Imperfect people... Can share one umbrella... And survive the storm... Can live together... Can live for each other.... Can Love ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜ forever.... & Can travel happily 😊☺😍 In this wonderful journey called life...! Main Reason...? "TRUE LOVE".... & Real liking πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ Love ignores... Shortcomings... Imperfections... sometimes even perfection... & The whole world... Do you have true love ❤πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜? If yes... Then you both like πŸ‘πŸ‘Œeach other... All the Best  & Best πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ˜πŸ₯° wishes...! I Mumbai Murugan...

True Love will never leave you...!

There may be several reasons... Misunderstandings... Difference of opinions... Different opinions... Opposite opinions.. Otherwise opinions.. Fights... Screems... & Silence... Whatever ... A true lover... Will never  Let  You Go... She / He will be there for you... Always... in All the ways... & All along, whether there is way or not.. Reason...? True πŸ‘✔πŸ‘ Love ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜ & Real liking πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ™Œ... I Mumbai Murugan...

that which lifts up or that which pulls you down...?

Before allowing any thing ... Or  Any one.... to surround you... Any idea....? What is it, that can lift you up...? May be a just blossomed flower 🌼🌸... &  that may live just for a day... May be the sparrow visiting your window for the millet... May be the orange coloured first rays of the Sun... & It's playing colors in the eastern sky... It's already around us...! A million miracles & marvels...! We need not allow them to surround.. & We are surrounded by millions of such wonderful things... that can lift up our spirits... & Whom to surround yourself ? Any one... Who is... kind worded. Pure hearted  Good mannered ... Cool headed.. Calm natured... Silent minded... With... Positive words.... Selfless actions ... Good thoughts...  Attractive attitude... Vibrant vision...... 8.  πŸ‘Good intentions.....! Just check.... Are you sourounded ....? By the best πŸ‘Œ soul.. I MUMBAI MURUGAN.....

Expect unexpected miracles...!

Expected miracles   &  unexpected Miracles... That's what life is all about...! You are floating in a boat.. Or Floating in your thoughts.... You are lighting a lamp.... Or Shining with your own light... May be the present journey.. Or The Distant paradise... You may be young... Or Possibly Evergreen old... Every second of... this marvellous journey is... Filled with miracles... Fascinating magics.... Unexoected turns.. Breath taking bends... Beautiful beginnings... Unknown ends... Miraculous escapes... Mind blowing landscapes... Just travel happily... Travel joyfully... Travel hopefully... Travel peacefully... &  Wonderfully... & On the way... All along the day.... Be kind, Be Sympathetic... Be considerate... Compassionate.. Helpful... & Make merry... May be...  this life is a one time πŸ•opportunity... I Mumbai Murugan....

Are you open...?

Are we closed now...? Seems, Some what....! So....? It's about opening.... Opening Our mind to..... New possibilities... New horizons... New ideas... New thoughts... New ways... New methods... New techniques... &  What about the heart ❤πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’–? Open your heart... To have sympathy... To be kind... To have empathy... To have an undunderstanding... Now, if you open your eyes... "YOU ARE OPEN TO NEW DAWN"..... I Mumbai Murugan.....

Be different...! Be unique...! & Be unique in being different...! A totally different different...!

First,  " don't be afraid of"... Being different...! Second, "Afraid of"... Being the same...! There is no difference of opinion... In being different,  & Not being the same .. Don't be a "different" "same"... & Don't be the "same" different... Vary in "different" differents.... & Make a difference in being different... Then....? Be a "different" different... Be a "unique" different.. Be a "new" different... Be the "first" different... Be the "best" different... The "same different" ..... will not be a different... more than once.... If again & again ... the "same" "different" is used.. Then it will become the "same old" "same"... Be same in being different... Be unique... I Mumbai Murugan...

kindness & love invited to stay with me..! Also, kind hearted, loving lovely human beings are invited in to my life ...!

" Stay with me"...! It's an invitation...! What to invite...? & Whom to invite ...? First... What to invite, to stay with me...? Peace of mind invited.... Perfect πŸ₯° health to join... Bubbly happiness forever.. Kindness to stay always.... Empathy & sympathy... Understanding heart ❤πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’–πŸ’— Helping mind... Prosperity... Wealth... Fame... & Fortune... All the above are invited to "STAY WITH ME"... And  To STAY WITH ME, Whom are all invited...? All those who are... Kind, Sympathetic, Magnanimous, Understanding, Lovely πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ, Loveable, LOVING ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜ & Always laughing  Anybody  Having  Happy happy πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜Š Mindset... are Welcome abode...! & Stay with me...! Stay forever...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

it's possible after a Sincere Try...!

It's really possible... That, All that's possible now... Once seemed impossible.. Like...? Man can fly like a bird 🐦... Landing on moon πŸŒ™πŸŒš.. Landing on Mars ... Climbing the Everest... It's also possible... That, Now what seems impossible... May become possible... When first time ever done,  Atleast Once... & It's impossible... That, Without any try... the impossible will tur possible..! Finally, It's possible... That, the impossible may remain impossible, Without any possible try... & Plausible try... Possibly.... It's also possible... that, It's possible... Or Impossible... Depends on... Until We try... Or  We Don't try .. Possibly, Try for yourself... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Avoid problems becoming a problem

"Avoid" ...? or "Solve"...? If you "solve"....You are "Clever".. If you "avoid"...You are "Wise".... How come...? Let us not "avoid" this topic... & Let us try to "Solve" this..... If you "avoid".... you may get peace.. But not any thrill..of facing a problem... If you can "solve"...? Then also you can have peace... But by facing, "solving"...& not "avoiding"..! Then... Why a "Wise" avoids a problem...?'s not that way... A "Wise" "cleverly" "avoids" the problem... Before even it becomes a problem... By clever planning... By clever foresight.. By preperation... By visualizing... By being ready before hand... By knowing the storm before it rains.. & We can be "cleverly" "Wise"... & "Wise" enough to be "clever".... & its worthy in being "Wis

Live by Choice ..

Have you ever heard ... THE INNER VOICE...? For that,.... You have to.... Silence the mind chatter... Calm down... Go down , to Alpha level... & Be patient... You should be  A good listener... A keen observer... & Detached from out comes... Then....? Take chances ... ! but  Live by choices....! Let it not be a " by chance" life... Be ready for the changes,  even which have already changed,  to have a changed life... & NO EXCUSES... It's very simple,... Either be motivated....! or  manipulated...! Choice is yours..... & no choices in this...  & You can't take chances... Be used "to be useful"... Excel in competition.. And you can compete to excel... & Keep self esteem at high esteem... Now... ABLE TO HEAR THE INNER VOICE...? I Mumbai Murugan....

Do Something new & creative to create a life of great dream filled with creativity

Be specific ...! What are all the  things πŸ€”... Experiences... & Achievements... We never had in our life...? & For the new things, Newer experiences, & Brand new, Grand success... Have we ever tried... New ideas πŸ’‘..? Newer methods...? Newest techniques...? New way of thinking πŸ€”..? & Newer ways of doing things... ? If we did ever really try... & If we did ever really do... Then, When ever... We really tried ... New ideas πŸ’‘ Newer methods, New way of doing... We got something new... that we never had before...! Otherwise...? Nothing new... & Back to square one...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

A good wants your Love, affection & time

What a lovely  & Truly loving Lady love wants....?  Our true affection...  Pure Love... Our precious time.... Our whole hearted intimacy... Sincere Love ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜  &  loyalty... Our kind words ... & whole of Our heart ❤πŸ’™ THATS WHAT THE PICTURE πŸ“Έ says...! What about Money πŸ’°..? Without money πŸ’°... Can we exist...? When you get such an Angel... In your life, YOU BELONG TO HER... &  SO,  NOT ONLY YOUR MONEY... But. EVERYTHING OF YOURS ... belongs to her... Blessed are those,  who get the true love  &  affection  Of a "good hearted" " sincere woman"... & Experiences "Heaven"... here on earth ... I Mumbai Murugan....

I am thankful & greatful...!

Today I am thankful...πŸ™ 4 words & 16 letters... I am thankful πŸ™ 3 words & 11 letters... Thank you...! 2 words & 8 letters... Thanks πŸ˜ŠπŸ«‚πŸ™..... 1 word & 6 letters.. But the effect of being thankful...? Even a million words... & Billions of letters won't be sufficient to express the benefits....! & For any reason.... If you are not able say...? Just you can gesture..... by looking up... πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Or, Have gratitude feeling... In your heart ❤πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’˜ & Thoughts... Feel thanks 😊 in your mind... Express thanks ... in your looks... in your actions... Everything "counts."....! Saying thanks...? definitely "counts"...! & THANK πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ YOU....! FOR READING...! & THANK YOU πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ™SO MUCH... IF YOU PRACTICE..! With thanks πŸ˜ŠπŸ™... I MUMBAI MURUGAN.....

We are all Lucky...! very very Lucky...!

What do you think πŸ€”...? A four wheeler can be used... for business  &  as a shed to stay below...! A four wheeler can be...  a shelter during flash rains...! Though now sitting below, He will come out of this... This too shall pass...! Rains 🌧 are not forever...! Finally, Let us all thank our stars 🌟🀩✨πŸ™ For being given a decent accommodation, Food on the plate A roof over the head Above all Healthy body Healing thoughts & 😊happy πŸ˜ƒhappy πŸ˜€ mind πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ€£ I MUMBAI MURUGAN.....

it's ok to lose pride, its absolutely alright to lose Ego

"LOVE "...? Or "PRIDE"...? You decide... You can have "pride" in having "Love"... But, You cannot "Love" to have "Pride"...alone. You cannot be "proud" to have "Pride"... But  You can always "Love to have" "Love".... & You can have "pride".... in having the person "you Love".... &  the one "WHO LOVES YOU, unconditionally... Wholeheartedly... Also, You cannot be proud to have "Pride,"... By losing the one "you Love"..... At any cost, "NOT THE ONE ... "WHO LOVES YOU" deeply...! Without pre judice... &  With great love,  "Pride & Prejudice"  cannot have true "Love"... If you " Love " to have your loved ones... &  "THE ONE WHO LOVES YOU", sincerely then, Without any prejudice, ... "Love" to leave the "Pride"... "Have pride"  in &q

Let's count our blessings...!

Just start counting... HOW many "SCARRY" 😳 things... YOU have WORRIED all along... that, Never ever happened....? &  It remained as simple worry... Also, count.... How many wonderful things.... You never ever aspired... Never ever imagined,  & just miraculously πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ happened... Without you even worrying about... Now, count... Inspite of you worrying heart & soul.. How many scarry things happened ... that, You never wanted it ever to happen... Then count... How many times your worrying alone... Helped you overcome your worries...? Keep in Mind.... Your worrying never helped... & Some times it's a good friend.. Or  it's your family .... Or  May be a Divine miracle that helped... So.....? It's not a far off one day... Even today ... you can look back  & count for your self... That,  Worrying never ever Helped..... then, WHY WORRY.....? I Mumbai Murugan.....

Dear fish, Ready to climb the tree,..?

Please don't laugh πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€.. & Don't criticise... In our education system.. Sometimes,.. The fish.... will have to climb the tree πŸŒ³πŸ˜€..! & has to do everything, Except swimming 🏊‍♂️ ..! The Elephant... 🐘  may have to fly πŸͺ°πŸ˜‰ ! & Won't be allowed to walk... Lion 🦁 & tiger πŸ…  Put on diet  & have to eat vegetables & fruits ...! Cats 🐈 ..? won't be allowed to drink milk πŸ₯›πŸ§‹ ..! Snakes 🐍 will be friendly & won't bite Don't think twice...! All of us are real Genius...! It seems, We couldn't find our real talent... & Are guided by outdated systems...! So....? Find out your passion... & Pursue it, relentlessly... May be.... You may train...  a fish 🐟 to climb the tree 🌳 Or An elephant 🐘 to fly... That's what coaching classes are doing Trying to make.... an Engineer out of a born artist 🎨... A Doctor out of a photographer πŸ“ΈπŸ“· By the way.... All the best πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜πŸ₯°☺πŸ’–πŸ‘ I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

To make a difference, "YOU HAVE TO CARE"..!

It's not that we don't need... Brilliance, fame & fortune...! & It's other way around...! We can be brilliant πŸ‘ & Care for others Brilliantly...! We can be rich.. & Have a magnaninous heart  & rich living.. By Taking care of the poor...! We can be beatiful... & Beautify this world 🌎❤♥ With our pure Love ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜ & constant care...! We can be handsome... By our actions.. Handsome in giving love ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’• & affection..! AND, We can be perfect... In unconditionally Loving ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’• & In taking care of others... Of their feelings, needs & wants.. I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

You need kind heart to understand...

Unbearable Pain... Uncontrollable tears... Unimaginable tiredness 😩πŸ˜ͺ Unparalleled  sadness.. Unmatched heavy loads.. Unprecedented sorrow... It's not that the poor animal has to express it all  in words...! The tears in the eyes.... The sadness in the face... The totally tired outlook... The gripping grief πŸ˜”☹️πŸ™πŸ˜’πŸ˜₯... Sorrows... Dejection.... Depression... & Helplessness... Everything is expressed... In the tears 😒😭.. & Like a donkey... You don't need a mind... All you need is a kind heart... An understanding mind... To understand other's pain, &  sorrows... I feel sorry for you... & If you don't understand other's sorrows.... I feel pity for you... If you don't feel pity for others pain.... PAIN, sadness & sorrows  all weigh the  same for everyone.... I MUMBAI MURUGAN..

prayers .. faith...hope..& LOVE

My sincere prayers to the creator.... You & me... Let us all be & have... Peace of mind....always...! Smile on our face...forever...! Rainbows...on all days..! Giggles & laughter... till tears comes out...! Faith & patience..... be our life,  mantra for living...! Courage & Confidence.. be our guiding force... Compassion & sympathy... be our friends forever..! Let BEAUTY of KINDNESS.. .. ADORE our MIND & BODY... forever....! & LOVE BE WITH US FOR FOREVER..! I Mumbai Murugan.....

Even if you have fear, What if,. if you have faith also...

Fear is.... What if... We fail to succeed...? We fall before finish....? We lose even after fight ...? Faith is .... What if .... We succeed come what may.... We Achieve inspite of obstacles... We Accomplish choosing hurdles.... We reach at the end, .... & Hope is .. Even if... We fail...its Ok..we will try again..... We fall...its Ok...we will get up... We lose...its ok...we will find... I Mumbai Murugan....

You may be Daring .. are you different in Daring..!

First we have to be daring...! Ok...? Ok....! Then....? We have to be different....! Daring to be different in ideasπŸ’‘.. Daring to be different in thinking πŸ€”... Daring to face.... different outcomes...! & Difficult outcomes..! Daring to be different in style..! Daring in developing new systems...! Daring to implement new process...! Daring to challenge failures...! Daring to face criticism....! Then... One beautiful morning... " Lady Luck "will smile at us  & reward a rare gift 🎁 πŸŽπŸ’πŸ§§  for all your hard work,  dedication & Daring... I Mumbai Murugan...

To realise true beauty 😍 you need minds eye

All of us have pair of eyes... &  Colourful things are scattered around us...! Magical moments unfold infront of our eyes...! Melodious sounds of the unknown birds 🐦🎢 Wonderful Sun rises... & calm Sun sets... Mesmerizing movements of squirrels... Awesome take off  &  landings of the Colourful birds... Runs  & chases for the day's food... From nowhere, suddenly a surprise rainbow 🌈 stretching across the sky Just all we need is,  not only eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘...  but also a beautiful mind...! & Wonderful mindset...! An innocent mind of a child.... to be playful & curious...! A mind of a saint to detach ourselves..! A mind of a Genius to savor the beauty, in everything we encounter....! A mind of a king to command... & Control our emotions... A mind of an artist to enjoy the beauties of this journey... An innocent mind... An inquiring mind... A curious mind... A quite mind.... &  A BEAUTIFUL MIND... Mind you... What we need is not only the eyes

It's all about Belief, trust & Hope

Believe me... Trust me... &  Have hope on what I am going to say...! SIMPLE...! On any given day... You & me just need 3 things with us...! May be for every day... & Forever.... All we need is... 1)) to strongly Believe....! We have to believe with all of our heart, that everything will be OK πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ & Will workout πŸ’ͺ😌! 2)) Trust that... We will have our heart's desires fulfilled,  That,  What ever we put our heart & mind to... 3)) have Hope... with all of our heart ❤πŸ’™πŸ’œ & We have to hope for the best....! To make any given day...                  a happy day...                  a confident day....                  a peaceful day....                  a wonderful day...                  a successful day... I "Hope", you "Trust" me...& "Believe" What I say... I Mumbai Murugan....

Wage War..? or Feed the poor /.educate a child ..?

Every time facebook prompts us......  "Say some thing about this" ...! What to say about this picture. .? Those who are waging war, were once small children.... full of innocence... some where in the middle of their growth... In between... they develop negative ego... their mind turned towards power.. They love ❤ authority... The long arrogance... their mind urges them for grabbing other nation's territory.... urge for grabbing other's wealth.... Urge for developing military might... Urge for developing mass destructive weapons... and   threatening other nations...!   They also know,  Poor must be fed.. Children need to be educated... there are patients to take care... If the ego is shed.... when the urge for grabbing the other's territory is stopped... if all of us..... & All the leaders of this planet, Administrators, & The rulers,  & spiritual gurus of all religions, wish for Peace only, Act for Peace ✌😌 only, in this planet,  & F

Your success depends on your courage..!

All it takes is Courage... Continuous courage... To take risks... To start a new venture... To start an adventure... To jump start... To begin... To continue... To complete... Any thing that's worthwhle ... Any thing that is great... Any thing unimaginable... Anything against the flow... ANY THING THAT WILL CHANGE HUMANITY... & LIFE... As courage will life.... I Mumbai Murugan....

Who makes you happy & full, She is your Soulmate...!

The person who holds out a hanky.... When you cry... & Wipes out your tears.... The one who stands by you... During your most difficult times...   The one who offers his shoulders to lean on With out (you) explaining a single word... The one who understands you...  Your feelings & desires... The one who treasures you... The one who admires you.... The one who cannot live without you... Who ignores the whole world for you... & Ignores your tantrums... When you have such a wondartful person.. Still Why are you sad....? You, He & the full moon on a waterfront... Believe me... Tomorrow will be a wonderful dawn... & A new beginning... Wish all have their soulmate... I Mumbai Murugan.....

You can Grow ... yourself & your own Garden 🏑

You Can Grow...! & You have to...! Grow kinder than yesterday....! Grow mature than day before...! Grow to be much affectionate....! Grow being affable...! Grow lovely πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘FOR EVER... Grow to be Loveable than ever before... Grow patience, for every moment πŸ™.. Grow younger than previous day, & day before... Grow being playful,  moment after moment... Grow your own happiness ....! πŸ˜ŠπŸ™‚☺πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Š That doesn't depends on....  others "LOVE ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜  AFFECTION... & Approval... "Grow to be LUCKY."..... When showered with... UNCONDITIONAL LOVE...  ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜ & AFFECTION.... May be from a "SOULMATE"...! And... What not to grow..? Never ever grow anger... Not even once Hate... Never ever think of Jealousy... Never grow to be impatient... Never to worry... Not to fear... & To remain young forever, Never ever grow Older...! & Finally,  Grow to be happy πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ€£ Happier πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ€£ ... & Happiest πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜ ... In your Own

Without any expectations,.. Give..!

Give...! But conditions apply..! Give what...? Love ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜... Affection... Fondness... Warmth... Care... Compassion... Compliments... Devotion.. Good will πŸ‘πŸ‘.... Passion... Sympathy... Empathy... Regards... & Respects...! Conditions...? πŸ™RespectfullyπŸ™ ... Expect nothing in return...! In return,  By chance, Luckily, if we get all the above, Let us Thank our stars 🌟... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

What does a Women in "Love " πŸ’–πŸ’˜πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ’“ do...

This has to be certified... By a woman πŸ‘©.... When a woman πŸ‘© ...  truly loves  ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜ a man, Likes  himπŸ‘πŸ‘Œ with all of her heart, Longs for him... Adores him.. Feels safe being with him, Appriciates his every thing, & Admires his company... Then, She will get angry, upset, scold, But will stick around him.. & As for a Man πŸ‘¨? A Man... Who is truly in Love πŸ₯°πŸ˜❤πŸ’–❣ Whose heart melts for her, Who feels whole being with her, Who feels groomed by her, Who feels courageous... & Comfortable, Will never let her go 🚢‍♀️ 🚢‍♂️ ... What ever the situation may be... However hard the going gets... He can't live... without her LOVE & AFFECTION... LUCKY ARE THOSE... WITH LOVELY RELATIONSHIP... WITH LOVELY COMPANY... WITH a LOVEABLE NATURE Woman... With a LOVELY ATTITUDE Lady... With Lady with a LOVELY MANNERS... & Enjoys LIFE LONG LOVE ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣πŸ’•πŸ’˜ AND, LOVE IS GOD & LOVE IS LIFE...! When it's PURE LOVE....! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Tomorrow is a clean slate

That's lovely πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ₯°☺πŸ˜™...! Thinkig from now, & today... Tomorrow... Is a clean slate... You can start from scratch... No mistakes in it, yet...! That means.... If there are going to be a mistakes... If there are gong to be exigencies... If there is going to be problems... Bottle necks 🍼🧴🍾🍢 Pressures... Tensions... Flaws... Stress ... & Strain... All will be our creations...! & We will be responsible..! The same way, If we are responsible enough, Then, It will be smooth sailing ⛵😌😎 Tension free... Joyous πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„☺πŸ˜‚ Lovely πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ₯°☺ Lofty... Merry... Magnanimous... Magnetic 🧲🧲... Mesmerizing... & Marvellous...! As of now, Tomorrow is spick and span... Clean, neat & spotless...! If there is going to blind spots... Then, we will be responsible..! I MUMBAI MURUGAN.....

You be "You" & Let me be "Me"..!

Be you...! Being me... ? Now,  Am I not me...?  & You are not you..? May be...! When we fear expressing our love... When we lose our individuality.... When we don't pursue our passion... When we don't chase our dreams.... When we don't decide... So...? For being me.. & For being you... We shoukd start living our life.... Life of our dreams... Of our vision... Of our liking πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ... Of our passion... Of our aspirations... & Of our ambitions... That's the vision  & Our mission...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Great achievements or Comfort Zone...?

It's as simple as that... When your dreams are still not achieved.... &  Yet, If you are sleeping... Very peacefully.. Then, you are in comfort zone...! Your hunger for achievement is not fulfilled.. &  if you are eating a sumptuous food, Then you are in comfort zone....! If you want to.... Achieve great things...  Make things happen... See miracles & magics ..... Make impossible to possible... See your dreams to come true... & Create history... Come out of the "Comfort zone".... Great things always happen.... in "Compat Zone".. In "conflict zone"... In "control zone"... & In uncomfortable πŸ™ƒ zone.. & My zone of contention is.... Comfort... Or Conquer... Depends on... You are comfort zone... Or In COMPAT zone..! Choice is yours...! Decide at your own comfort...! Without any conflict, At any cost... Don't be comfortable...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Never too late...Never too old...

To set a brand new.... Goal.. Aim... Ambition... Aspiration.. Dream... Desire... Target... Wish.. & Resolve... You need a strong πŸ’ͺ resolve... And, a resolution... & Age is no bar... And, you are never too old... For a brand new... Dreams... & Desires... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Anything possible, only "NOW"...!

Really...? Yes ...! Today anything is possible...! Any thing....? Yes...Anything...! But dear, ONLY for TODAY....! Yesterday...? Forget yesterday...! Yesterday it was possible...! But, what to do...? It's gone...GONE FOR EVER...! May be, you have missed the bus...! What about Tomorrow...? Oh dear, When tomorrow arrives... It will be the "today" "of tomorrow"...! You can use it tomorrow... Only When "it becomes today"... May be, from midnight, tonight..! So what do you mean....? What to do...? "TODAY ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE"...! Meant for " just today"...! & Meant for Every today...! Wish 🀞🀞  You all have a great πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ  happy 😊 & joyous ☺❤ πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ today... & For "Every today"..."from today"...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Live out of What you have...!

We make our life....WONDERFUL.. With what we have... IF & only IF,  WE HAVE WONDERFUL THINGS. Magnificient ideas... Thunderous⛈⛈ thoughts... Magical vision... Mesmerizing deeds... Let us have... Empathy...& Sympathy...! Let us have.... kindness...& Understanding...! Let us have... Calm...& curious mind...! Let us have.. Strong πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ mind.& Positive thoughts, Let us play music sing a song & dance..! Let us enjoy every Sunrise & Sunset...! Let us find perfection in imperfection.! Then.. Laughter, Clear blue Sky, Lovely πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ₯°☺πŸ˜™πŸ˜ Books, Loving ❤πŸ˜πŸ’– Friends & family... Starry nights, on velvet black ⚫ sky.. May be moon πŸŒ™ is on vacation... Finally... Let us have a child's heart... A toddlers curiosity... A kids heart ❤ & LET US BE IN LOVE WITH LIFE.... Then...we made our Life... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Where are you heading...?

Just check... & Ensure... The place where you are heading... Is a lush green plain, or hilly range..! Deers playing freely... Trees showering deep red May flowers, Flowing river with Crystal clear waters, Gentle breeze playing with your hairs... Cuckoo singing melodious ragas... Squirrels playing hide & seek... Occasional drizzling of rain... Sun 🌞 🌞 set to spring season always.. Full Moon πŸŒ™πŸŒšπŸŒ”πŸŒ•πŸŒ–πŸŒ›showing up every day... & If possible,  It's raining snow ❄ 🌨 occasionally... Just golden warm rays of Sun 🌞 by the day... & Cool full moon by night πŸŒ™✨ ALWAYS PERFECT HEALTH... PEACEFUL ✌ SLEEP... HEARTY SUMPTEOUS FOOD... A permanent rainbow 🌈 decorating the sky... JUST ONLY LOVE FILLED AIR, always..! HONEYMOON ENVIRONMENT forever...! & Of course,  along with LADY LOVE ❤πŸ˜πŸ’–❣...! To an Eldorado....! IF yes.... ALL THE BEST πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜πŸ₯°☺πŸ’– For your journey...! Wherever you are going...! Just Love & laughter πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ€£...! ALWAYS....! I MUMBAI

Living in Alphabetical order ...

Wonders, &  Wondering starts from the morning...!. Amaze yourself...! & others... be amazing....! Be kind to all...! & you'll receive kindness..! The life is full of blessings... Continue counting... & continue thanking..! Dream BIG...! Dream BIGGER...! Absolutely no limits to DREAMING...! Just existing..  Or just living.. Or Just surviving is not ok..! Enjoy life...every moment of it...try... The most important... FORGIVE...! Forgive yourself & others...! Have fun... Unlimited fun & enjoyment πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€ Imagine...anything..YES ANYTHING... Love well...! that's what life is all about..! May be...try to Know the creator... Or Just you can realize the creator &  Law of creations... Never ever GIVE UP....! NEVER...! Open your heart & pray a lot...! Venture out & explore the world...! You are almost there ...! YOU ARE LIVING YOUR LIFE... As, this may be a  Just One time opportunity...! I Mumbai Murugan....


Any idea...? About ..... THRIVING...& SURVIVING ... THRIVING is..... Having thrilling moments.... Enjoying each moment... Making most of every second... Having fun...very often... Being kind hearted... Mindful occupations.. Blessed moments... Savouring Scenic Sun rises... & Serene Sunsets...  Having fun & enjoyment... In every second of this journey... Taking risks... & Risking everything for that risk...! Then we are definitely "THRIVING"... &  No risks..? No thrills...? No surprises...? Then, We are "Just Surviving"... I Mumbai Murugan....


It's not about anyone... It's about that one wonderful soulmate... Who is proud to have you... Never want to lose you... Scared to lose U... Fights for you , come what may...! Encourages  &  appreciates.. In what ever U do... Mainly..."RESPECTS YOU"... Care for you like a Baby... Without any conditions ... Loves you...Loves you...Loves you...  You are every thing... & Without you every thing else is nothing... Have one soulmate... & Enjoy HEAVEN"... here on earth... & Blessed few get that someone...! A soulmate...! I Mumbai Murugan....

We have to decide...!

We have to decide..! Decide what...? What to do....? With our life... With our knowledge... With our strength... With our weaknesses... With our IMAGINATION.... WITH OUR FEARS...? & With our feelings...? Decide... To live.. To use.. To help... To conquer... To create... To overcome... With in the time that is given to us..... May be.... Just one life... I Mumbai Murugan....

Are you persistent..? & consistent..?

What ever your desires may be..! What ever your goal... Whatever Your vision... Your dream... & Destiny... If you have achieved .... If you could win πŸ†... If you could break records... If you have realized your dream.. Fulfilled your desires... & Reached your destiny.... Then, you were persistent....! & If You could retain your success... If You could stay at the top continously, Then you are Consistent...! If your persistence is Consistent... & If you are Consistent in your persistence... Then your success is... Permanent.. & Constant... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Finding joy in every day life

We find & do routine works...! Routinely...! Everyday...! Can we find a different routine...? Can we make all routine works a bit different..? Can we make routines different from routines..?   Do we find .... Joy in routine or in newer ideasπŸ’‘πŸ’‘..? & Mind you.... As far as possible... As long as we are alive... As long as we can... As long as we think... As long as we hope...  As long as we try.... & In Every way... It's in our hands to ... FIND... JOY.... IN..... What ever we do... However we do... & As far as possible... EVERY DAY... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

A true relationship

Every thing is written there... Accepting you really are, The past & present of you ... for a better future.. THE ONE WHO .... Likes you... & Loves you... Encourages you... Supports you.... Cannot live without you.... Misses you.... Tries to be with you.... Takes care of you... ALL UNCONDITIONALLY... THAT'S A TRUE RELATIONSHIP..... Loving & lovely relationship... Blessed ones get true relationships... BY THE WAY... LET US PREPARE OURSELVES... FIT... TO BE LOVED 😍❤πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’“♥.. I Mumbai Murugan....

Make others happy

So.....? You want to be happy....? Then... make others happy...! You want kindness...? Then, Be kind to everyone...! YOU WANT LOVE & AFFECTION...? SHOWER... YOUR LOVE & AFFECTION on OTHERS..! You want peace & be peaceful...? See to that.. Everyone around you  are peaceful...! "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"...! Seems simple...! Now, how to check...? If  you are kind, haapy & joyous.. Chances are... You fit the bill... & You are almost there..already there..! I Mumbai Murugan....

call that excites the sprit

There are some exciting questions...! Without excitement we hv to answer...! What excites us...? & What is exceptional πŸ‘in it..? And, it excites what..? Mind...? Body...? Sprit...? Or Soul..? Of all the above.... Anything... that excites your soul... That excites your imagination... That which mesmerizes.. That which makes you feel whole... That which gives you purpose... & That, which is worth your life, living & lights up your mind, body & soul... Worth attending to... Respond to it... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....