Who makes you happy & full, She is your Soulmate...!

The person who holds out a hanky....
When you cry...
Wipes out your tears....

The one who stands by you...
During your most difficult times...
The one who offers his shoulders to lean on

With out (you) explaining a single word...
The one who understands you... 
Your feelings & desires...

The one who treasures you...
The one who admires you....

The one who cannot live without you...

Who ignores the whole world for you...
& Ignores your tantrums...

When you have such a wondartful person..
Still Why are you sad....?

You, He & the full moon on a waterfront...
Believe me...
Tomorrow will be a wonderful dawn...
A new beginning...

Wish all have their soulmate...

I Mumbai Murugan.....


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