Let's count our blessings...!

Just start counting...

HOW many "SCARRY" 😳 things...
YOU have WORRIED all along...
Never ever happened....?
It remained as simple worry...

Also, count....

How many wonderful things....
You never ever aspired...
Never ever imagined, 
& just miraculously 👍👌 happened...
Without you even worrying about...

Now, count...

Inspite of you worrying heart & soul..
How many scarry things happened ...
You never wanted it ever to happen...

Then count...

How many times your worrying alone...
Helped you overcome your worries...?

Keep in Mind....
Your worrying never helped...
Some times it's a good friend..
it's your family ....
May be a Divine miracle that helped...

It's not a far off one day...
Even today ...
you can look back 
count for your self...
Worrying never ever Helped.....

then, WHY WORRY.....?

I Mumbai Murugan.....


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