Wage War..? or Feed the poor /.educate a child ..?

Every time facebook prompts us......
 "Say some thing about this" ...!

What to say about this picture. .?

Those who are waging war,
were once small children....
full of innocence...

some where in the middle of their growth...

In between...
they develop negative ego...

their mind turned towards power..
They love ❤ authority...
The long arrogance...

their mind urges them for grabbing other nation's territory....

urge for grabbing other's wealth....

Urge for developing military might...

Urge for developing mass destructive weapons...
threatening other nations...!
They also know, 

Poor must be fed..

Children need to be educated...

there are patients to take care...

If the ego is shed....

when the urge for grabbing the other's territory is stopped...

if all of us.....
All the leaders of this planet,
The rulers, 
& spiritual gurus of all religions,

wish for Peace only,
Act for Peace ✌😌 only,
in this planet, 
For this planet,.

when there is no necessity for war...

may be that energy and money can be used for other constructive purposes..!

feeding the poor...

treating the sick...

educating the desiring kids...

will any body LISTEN.....?

So, you all have mind, of your own..!
If you mind about peace ✌ in this planet...

Please don't mind shedding...


It's up to all of us to think & act...



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