Be different...! Be unique...! & Be unique in being different...! A totally different different...!

" don't be afraid of"...
Being different...!

"Afraid of"...
Being the same...!

There is no difference of opinion...
In being different,
Not being the same ..

Don't be a "different" "same"...
Don't be the "same" different...

Vary in "different" differents....
Make a difference in being different...

Be a "different" different...

Be a "unique" different..

Be a "new" different...

Be the "first" different...

Be the "best" different...

The "same different" .....
will not be a different...
more than once....

If again & again ...
the "same" "different" is used..
Then it will become the "same old" "same"...

Be same in being different...
Be unique...

I Mumbai Murugan...


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