that which lifts up or that which pulls you down...?

Before allowing any thing ...
Any one....
to surround you...

Any idea....?

What is it, that can lift you up...?

May be a just blossomed flower 🌼🌸...
that may live just for a day...

May be the sparrow visiting your window for the millet...

May be the orange coloured first rays of the Sun...
It's playing colors in the eastern sky...

It's already around us...!
A million miracles & marvels...!

We need not allow them to surround..
We are surrounded by millions of such wonderful things...
that can lift up our spirits...

Whom to surround yourself ?

Any one...
Who is...

kind worded.
Pure hearted 
Good mannered ...
Cool headed..
Calm natured...
Silent minded...


Positive words....
Selfless actions ...
Good thoughts...
 Attractive attitude...
Vibrant vision......
👍Good intentions.....!

Just check....
Are you sourounded ....?
By the best 👌 soul..



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