
Showing posts from June, 2024

Do what is right

To choose  "Easy" or the "Right", ...? & "If it's Right", then, It will be Right to "choose the Right", Even if it's not easy, ..! Now,  Is it that easy to do the Right...? & Always...? May not ..! It's very easy.... Finding faults... but no use & no meaning... Instead, give solution & that's the👍right.! It's very easy to Criticize....! but never...! Instead, Appreciate, Though not easy,..! It's easy to Spread rumours...! but why...? Instead, though tough, spread the truth,.! It's very very easy Saying lies...! but not to Say lies...! Instead, say the truth, come what may...! It's easy to Cheat.... but, never ever to cheat....! Though hard, be honest...! It's the easiest thing, to giving Excuses... but "no body will excuse you".... Instead, though difficult, give results...! Do What is Right...! Find solutions...! Encourage....! & give encouraging results...! Accept t

it doesn't matter what others are thinking & we maynot know ..!

What others are thinking, What others are planning, What others are doing, What for, Why, How they do, are all not important to us...! Then...? What we think, How clearly we visualise, How we plan, When, Why, & How perfectly we do, How sincere we are, How & how much we are different, How & how much we are unique, & That's what matters the most....! I Mumbai Murugan....

Look within, search inside

Look here... Look there.... Look farther... Look wherever you want... It all depends on  what you are looking for...! For, If you are sure,  as to What you are looking for, then,  you can decide where to look for..! If it's all about your dreams, then, Look outside... & Dream, while wide awake...! And, may be,  impossible dreams ..! That too, Not imagined in wildest of your dreams..! Or If your dream is to "awaken the giant" within you,  Look inside 💠💠 Deep inside of you...! & The trick lies in.... How to look inside 💠💠 When you look inside,  awakening happens .. & You will see the real you, An blissful you, A never ever before seen you... See you there... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Excellence is an attitude...!

Excellence, Is An effort, & Is a result of, Calibre, Eminence through efforts, Fineness, Focused efforts, Flawless execution, Perfection, Purity, Sincerety, Hard work, Systematic smart work, Special talent  & Accomplishment .... I Mumbai Murugan....

Why waiting...?

Are you Waiting....? for what...? Cristal Clear sky......? Favourable climate....? Gentle breeze....? For the Right time....? Or  Rainbow 🌈 sky...? DON'T wait....! Just start....! Spread happiness....! Be full of Joy... Say, a few kind words.....! Kindle creativity...! Be helpful....! Sow Serenity.... Feed a hungry poor....! Plant 🌵 ☘️ ☘️ 🌵 few saplings...! Rest under a lone tree ....! See the unending vast expanse....! Search for your soul's purpose...! Why are we here.....? Don't wait for any thing....! Carry on with good thoughts...! Good words....! & good deeds...! "WITH A GOOD 💜❤️ HEART 💞😘😍💓💘💖💕❤".. &  You will see the glorious SUN RISE... & ITS GOLDEN SUNSHINE 🌄🌄 EVERYWHERE 🌺..!. I Mumbai Murugan....

Try something new & different. Never worry about failure

Have you ever committed any mistake...? It's ok, & Maybe by mistake...! Ever committed any blunder...? Error...? Mis judgements...? Mis calculation...? Slip...? & Erred...? To err is human...! & It simply means,  you have tried...! Maybe, you tried to do something new...! Maybe, you tried a new method....! New technique...! New idea...! In a totally new way ..! For something totally new...! Or Tried the old, in a new way...! & Failed...? That's ok...! & If you have never failed...? Never erred...? Never made any blunders...? & That means, You  either succeeded in everything you tried..! Or you never tried...! Never tried new ideas,  never tried newer methods,  & never ever tried anything new...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Any thing worthy comes with effort

Any thing That is worthy... & Worth having... Never comes easy...! All the worthy things... "Worth having"... "Worth cherishing"... "Worth adoring".... "Worth admiring"... Comes after... "Sincere",  "honest", "hard work"... & "Great struggle"...! & If you get anything easy... Then, may be,  It's worth nothing... Or Not that much worthy...! "Nothing"  ( that is ) worth having  ever comes easy...! "NEVER EVER"...! I Mumbai Murugan...

When was the last time, you did something new, for the first time

When was the last time...? That too, For the first time...? That's the big question...! & That is going to answer all your questions...! And, how & how much creative you are..! Also, going to question all your answers...! The answers may be wrong...! But, can the questions be wrong...? So, ..? When was the last time,...? you did "something new"... "Never ever done before'... "Never imagined".... "Creative"... "Inspiring"... "Inventive".... "Innovative"... 'Imaginative"... "Insightful.".. "Ingenious"... "Intuitive"... "Weird"... "Pioneering".... "Path breaking.".. "Adventurous".... &  "Idealistic"... For the first time...! Ideally,  more the new ideas,  more the new ventures...! Then,  you will get newer & newer things...! Anew...every time...! For the first time ever...! Never ever had before...! I

This is your life, Live a grand life...!

This is your life... What you love 💞 😘😍💓 doing...? Start doing things you love, 💞❤️🤞😘 & Do it often...! Life is short & simple .! Pursue your passion...! Travel often...! Wander in unknown places...! Life is all about " what you create using the people you meet" Live your dreams & share your passion MIND YOU, LIFE IS VERY SHORT...! & TO MAKE IT AS SWEET as possible 🧁🎂... OR SWEAT profusely, AS YOU pass through your DAYS... Choice is yours ... Yours, I MUMBAI MURUGAN...

Allow me to live my full life...!

So far so good 👍  I am alive, and, Ready to come out  & see this wonderful world....! As,  As long as I was inside the shell,  I was safe,  & you have not broken me for making an Omlet...! Now,  Shall I come out of my shell...? Will you allow me to live my full life...? Asking me about my Predators...? Vultures, hawks, snakes, eagles, foxes  & other my enemies...? All of them I will manage & escape...! Then...? Humans,  I am worried about humans 😫😟...! Please 🙏 Don't cut me,  & please 🥺 don't make chicken 🍗🐓 out of me,  by killing me...!  Please allow me to live my life...! Shall I come out...? Am I not looking just like your innocent baby....? An innocent toddler..? Shall I come out ...? I Mumbai Murugan....!

Want to be creative..? Be courageous..!

All you need & all It takes is, Bravery..!  Boldness...! Courage...! Daringness...! Determination...! Grit...! Guts...! Strong mind...! What for...? To be creative...! To be innovative...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Live this grand life in a magnanimous way

What difference that it makes.....? Between, "To live a grand life" & To just exist, then exit...? Huge difference.....! To Live....? or  to Just exist....? Being a bread winner... You travel daily for winning that "Bread"... And, keep all the loafs for you  & your family.... Then, you just EXIST.......! If you can just donate atleast 1 loaf... To Feed a hungry poor ... Then you LIVE....! If you you keep all that you have... For you.... then you exist... If you share.... then you live.... If you can offer, Kind words... To console a soul... You live...! Want to live, while existing...? Or Just to exist, while living...? Choices exists...! I Mumbai Murugan...

How you talk to yourself...? Talk about blessings...!

Does it matter....? what you speak, & how you speak  To yourself  & With others....? Yes..! It matters..! "I am blessed"...... not affected by Corona... & "Being alive".....  Not only me.... "all of us are blessed".....! "You are the best", & "Unique"....! Comparing to whom......? No comparison.... You are only one.... Unique & best in class... You can do it....! Do what...? Any thing.....! Believe, anything is possible  & you can....! "I am happy"...... Lo... .that's the purpose of life...& living....! & "You can also be happy"...... Friend.... TO SPEAK TO YOURSELF....! HOW...? "POSITIVELY"....! About....? "POSSIBILITIES"...! Why.....? "It matters"....! When...? " Now" ...! & every " now" from "now"....! I Mumbai Murugan.....

Encourage, encouraging yourself...!

"Believe it or not".... it's TRUE....! "YOU Stoping, YOURSELF" / we stoping ourselves.? Believe me....& You have to......! At the end... you have to "Believe in yourself".... When you doubt..."your capabilities"... You are stopping yourself.... When you " things..for "fear of unknown". You are stopping yourself... When you don't start ...& if "procrastinate"... You are stopping yourself.... When you're "Comfort zone".... You are stopping yourself... When you set limits....for yourself & others... You are not only stopping yourself... But, others as well... Way forward....? Start "now"....Any thing "brand" new.... "Believe in yourself"... "Venture out side the comfort zone"... Don't set limits...:" Any thing is possible".... "Be courageous"... "Think possibilities".... "SKY