When was the last time, you did something new, for the first time

When was the last time...?
That too,
For the first time...?

That's the big question...!
That is going to answer
all your questions...!

And, how & how much creative you are..!

Also, going to question all your answers...!

The answers may be wrong...!
But, can the questions be wrong...?

So, ..?

When was the last time,...?

you did "something new"...

"Never ever done before'...

"Never imagined"....











"Path breaking."..


For the first time...!

more the new ideas, 
more the new ventures...!

you will get newer & newer things...!

Anew...every time...!

For the first time ever...!

Never ever had before...!

I Mumbai Murugan....


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