Live this grand life in a magnanimous way

What difference that it makes.....?
"To live a grand life"
To just exist, then exit...?

Huge difference.....!

To Live....?
to Just exist....?

Being a bread winner...
You travel daily for winning that "Bread"...
keep all the loafs for you 
& your family....
you just EXIST.......!

If you can just donate atleast 1 loaf...
To Feed a hungry poor ...
Then you LIVE....!

If you you keep all that you have...
For you....
then you exist...

If you share....
then you live....

If you can offer, Kind words...
To console a soul...
You live...!

Want to live, while existing...?
Just to exist, while living...?

Choices exists...!

I Mumbai Murugan...


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