Do what is right

To choose 
"Easy" or the "Right", ...?

"If it's Right", then,
It will be Right to "choose the Right",
Even if it's not easy, ..!

Is it that easy to do the Right...?
& Always...?
May not ..!

It's very easy....
Finding faults...
but no use & no meaning...
Instead, give solution & that's the👍right.!

It's very easy to Criticize....!
but never...!
Instead, Appreciate, Though not easy,..!

It's easy to Spread rumours...!
but why...?
Instead, though tough, spread the truth,.!

It's very very easy Saying lies...!
but not to Say lies...!
Instead, say the truth, come what may...!

It's easy to Cheat....
but, never ever to cheat....!
Though hard, be honest...!

It's the easiest thing, to giving Excuses...
but "no body will excuse you"....
Instead, though difficult, give results...!

Do What is Right...!

Find solutions...!

give encouraging results...!

Accept the truth.....!

"Giving results"....
will always give you the results......!

Have you got it right...?

"Do only what is right"... 👍,
Right now & always...
Even if,
It may not be easy right now...!

I Mumbai Murugan....


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