
Showing posts from September, 2023

Grudge is heavy....

Not only grudges.... But also, Anger, But also, Hate, But also, Jealous, Insuperable Ire, Raging Rage, Fire 🔥 🔥 like Fury, & Worthless Wrath,  are unwanted & very heavy...! It's upto you  to carry these heavy burdens...! Or Feel feather like, With happy thoughts, & Fly with Pure love....! If at all you want to keep... Then, carry... "Heart full of Affection",  "Perennial Hope",  "Untiring Trust",  "Unwavering Faith",  & Unconditional Love 💘😻💜💛💚🧡💘 With lots of Love, 💘😻💜💛💚🧡💘 I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Don't just tell, instead help....!

There is a difference...! That too, very big difference...! difference...? Yes, There is a difference, Between, Saying " I Love 💖💘💖😍 💕😘 You"  & Showing  your real Love 💖😘😍 in action...! Same way, Extending a hand to get up.... Listening to the  heart's longings with undivided attention.... Soothing a stressed soul... Holding the hands of sad person in support.... Guiding along gently in life... Lighting a lamp in the darkest of hours... Boosting the morale of a depressed... Not just preaching,  But, Practicing kindness,.. Wiping the tears of a downtrodden... Feeding a hungry with a loaf of bread... Quenching the thirst of a thirsty.. Helping in kind,  will be helpful, Hopefully,  along with words of hope...! Just words may not suffice...! Actions speak louder than words...! & Actions speaks for itself  & in VOLUMES...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Voice for kindness, ears for compassion, & hands for charity

If you are in possession of... "Kind voice"... "Hands ✋ engaged in charity"... Ears 👂 that hears compassionately.... Truthful mind... & A heart ❤ filled with pure LOVE 💘💓.. Be rest assured... You are... One of a rare kind...! & the creator is always... Happy to hear...! Happy to help....! & Happy to LOVE...! OF ALL THE THINGS SAID & DONE... LOVE 💘 IS SUPREME... & LOVE for others happiness matters...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

please check are you mentally strong....?

If you are able to.... "Move on"  in your life... Instead of regretting the past... "Carry on"  with your mission & vission, Despite temporary setbacks... Can see Roses 🌹🥀 on thorny plants... & Open to new Challenges, that changes  your Mind & thinking 🤔,  thoughts & actions... & If you can stay Calm during any Strom, &  Can be "Happy go lucky".... What ever may be the situations.... Whatever the circumstances... & Also, Ready to take risks... & Ready to celebrate  others success as well.... & if you can always be... "Kind hearted", "Fearless & lion hearted", "Perennially Motivated", "Constantly Courageous", & "Fairly Fair"... It's fair enough... That you will always be ... Mentally strong, & Happy as a whole...! & Whole & soul..! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Elemination list

Not only anger & blame... Not only resentment & Regret... Not only guilt & worry... But also, Rage, fury, irritation,  &  hostility,  Will end in hostility.....! Remorse will end in sorrow...! And,  sadly, you will end up Sad.....! Instead, Feed yourself with... Calm like a deep sea, Cool, like a ice, Composed Composure, Perennial Peace, Heightened Happiness, Heart full of Hope, Unwavering Faith, Tranquillity, & 100 % Trust...! Trust me... Your health will be perfectly healthy....! & Have plenty of pleasure....! You will be peaceful,  Will live meaningful, & With pleasure....! Choice is yours...! Cheers if you choose Cheers...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Live your dreams

Before the green signal  that's a  "Go " ahead signal 🚦🚥🚦..... Do you have.... Daring Dreams...? Crystal 🔮 clear Vision...? Know your destination..? Have Any imaginations...? Eldorado....? & also, Do you Have.... The courage....? The conviction....? The confidence....? Then,  by all means,  start...! Start now...! Go for the adventures....! Grand life awaits you...! Just that you have to LIVE...! LONG LIVE....! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Enough courage enough...?

You will have enough courage.... to.... "Sing", a song of your life time... "Dance" to your heart's contentment ... "Draw & paint" a monolisa.... "Write" a mesmerizing melody.... "Compose" to the beat of a different drum... & Create a masterpiece... And,  in the process,  you will create a newer version of you... A "Bolder" you... A "Never mind" you... A "Creative" you... A "Clever" you... A "Calmer" you... & A "Composed" you.... Just that.... You shouldn't bother... about,  WHAT  "The OTHER PEOPLE",  " Might "  think of you...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Endless beginning...! Endless journey...!

Between the  Endless perceptions  &  Truthful reality, There lies the fact that, This life is having  endless possibilities, With, endless perceptions,...! Perceptions are possible, Or What is possible is only perceived  is an endless debate,  possibly,  perceptions may become a possibility, Or, Whatever the perceptions,  Whatever the possibilities, Possibly, Perceptions will remain forever... & Reality may differ from the perceptions, is quite perceivable...! Ultimately,  whatever the perceptions,  possibility & reality are the realy real  in this magical journey called life...! I Mumbai Murugan.....

Are you enjoying this moment...?

A moment please...! Have you ever thought 🤔, What it takes, To, "Enjoy" "Every" "Moment"...? First, You have "to be present"  in "that present moment"...! You may say, "I am present" in the moment..! But, Are you present in the given moment, With all your attention, Without living in the past, Without reliving the past, Without imagining the future, Without regretting the past, Without worrying about the future, Fully sensing all, the sounds & silences...? The vibrations & reverberations...? Without any fear or prejudices...? Fully enjoying the moment..? Then, you are enjoying that full moment, fully enjoying momentarily..! If not,..? You have immediately the next moment..! Try to enjoy,  Maximum moments... Moment after moment...! Enjoyed your present moment...? & Then, Enjoy the next, & The next ..! I Mumbai Murugan...

Repent...? then Why Repeat....?

Whatever you repent... Whatever you regret... & That, What you want to repair... What you want to mend, Want to amend, Want to put right, Set right, That, Please don't repeat....! I repeat, If you repeat, What you want to  Repair, Then, You may repent...! & You may repeat, Repeatedly...! I Mumbai Murugan....

When...? if not now....?!

If not now, Then, when...? If you are not  "happy now", Then,. When...? If you are not  "Peaceful now", Then, When...? If you are not  "Playful now", Then, When...? If you are not  "Kind now", Then, When...? If you are not  "Joyful now", Then, When...? If you are not  "Enjoying now", Then, When...? "Now"  is always better  than an unknown when....! & "Now"  is the known when, When you can be happy & joyful... I Mumbai Murugan....

Being happy.... happy being...

To be happy, What do we really need....? A luxurious car...? All those who have a car are not happy...! A sprawling bunglow...? All Those who reside in a bunglow are neither happy...! A fat bank 🏦🏧 balance...? It seems, those with a hefty bank balance are also not so happy...! Then, is it Power, authority...? Those in power don't seem to be that happy, either...! Then...? It seems, To be happy, all you need is, An attitude, A Mindset,  to enjoy whatever little you have,  with a contented heart,  with a magnanimous mind, & Be Happy, Whatever the possessions, Whatever the assets, I Mumbai Murugan...

From Today.... from now onwards...

NOT only Today.... But also, "Every Today" from today... You and me... CAN BE... Peaceful...! Joyful...! KIND hearted...! Mindful...! & Above all  We can BE HEALTHY always...! Help others...! Try to make everyone happy...! Be sympathetic ...! LOVE OURSELVES & OTHERS ...! & Enjoy every second of this marvellous journey CALLED LIFE...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

How many lives you could touch with kindness....?

How many lives, you could touch positively...? How many lives  benefitted because of your actions....? How many human beings flourished because of you...? How many sufferes  you have comforted...? How many lives you have glorified...? How many grieving persons  you have consoled...? Anyone, enthralled by your actions....? Have you ever helped...? How many needy persons you have supported....? How many lives  you have understood properly...? In your life time,  How many individuals  you could make happy...? If you have  Helped, Consoled, Comforted, Convinced, Supported, & Made someone Smile & Made atleast one person happy, Then, That's your LEGACY....! & That legacy will live forever.....! I Mumbai Murugan.....

Being Thankful

Do you have a Home 🏘️🏡 to stay..? Then, Be thankful...! Do you have food on the table ...? Express gratitude ..! Do you have a wonderful 👍 family.? Thank everyone in the family...! Are you healthy...? Say a 1000 prayers...! Do you have sincere friends...? Hug 🤗🫂 them & hold them...! Are you happy...? Yes, 🙏👍 thanks ...! Always happy...? Mostly, & i am glad about it As far as possible happy...? Do you have disease free life...? Are you able to sleep peacefully...? Do you have peace of mind...? Do you have sound sleep 💤😴...? A million reasons to be thankful for this wonderful life  &  Marvellous journey...! I Mumbai Murugan....

This Life, may be, only once...!

Any idea ...? Before this birth,  & were we here,  on earth 🌍...? If so,  Where on earth 🌍...? & As what. .? No Idea..,! And, any assurance whatsoever, That  we will comeback...? No guarantee, whatsoever...! Then...? This life, May be Only once, & May not be any second chance...! So, We have to make the most of it....! No guarentee .... that we will come back... Each and every minute of this journey is, Only once...! & Each and every day of it, Also just only once...! No once more...! Just enjoy this life & journey,  to the heart's full contentment..! I Mumbai Murugan....

Past has the power to define your future ...?

The Past has any power in the present..? Can the past ruin  a beautiful present , 😍❤️😍💘💖💜✨❤️ & 😍❤️😍💘💖💜✨❤️ A wonderful future...? Yes, if you give powers to it...! If you allow the past to interfere in the present...! If you permit the bad 😔😞 past to dictate your mood now...! Why spoil, a beautiful present , 😍❤️😍💘💖💜✨❤️ & 😍❤️😍💘💖💜✨❤️ A wonderful future...? Let past remain in the past....! And, you know, nothing can be done about it...! But.... The lesson learned in the past... The experiences of yesteryears, That what went wrong, That will always travel with us... That lesson will help us in the present .. That learnings will help us in pedaling now... That learnings will light our path.... Only the lessons, of the past can empower us... Let us empower ourselves... to power our present & future...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Love Vs Fear,

Opposite of fear ..? Opposite of failure..? Opposite of disbelief..? Opposite of mistrust...? Opposite of weakness...? Opposite of Unkind...? Opposite of Hopelessness...? Opposite of Hate...? You may hate, if I ask further...! Courage, Success, Belief, Trust, Strong 💪, Hope, & Love 💕😘😍😘,  are the opposite of all the above,  in that order...! But, Have hope, trust & belief that, You need, Courage, and need to be strong, To LOVE 💖💘💖😘😍 & LIVE ..! & TO LIVE A LOVELY LIFE...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Love vs Fear...! Opposite of fear ..?Opposite of failure..?Opposite of disbelief..?Opposite of mistrust...?Opposite of weakness...?Opposite of Unkind...?Opposite of Hopelessness...? Opposite of Hate...?You may hate, if I ask further...!Courage,Success,Belief,Trust,Strong 💪,Hope,&Love 💕😘😍😘, are the opposite of all the above, in that order...!But,Have hope, trust & belief that,You need,Courage, and need to be strong,To LOVE 💖💘💖😘😍 & LIVE ..!&TO LIVE A LOVELY LIFE...!I MUMBAI MURUGAN....


Andhericha Raja Ganpati Day 2 of Ganesh chaturthi festivalHave a peaceful darshan of Andhericha Raja... He fulfills all our genuine wishes... &Blesses us, with, Good health, Enough wealth, Joy, Happiness, &above all, PEACE OF MIND...! I Mumbai Murugan....
