Past has the power to define your future ...?

The Past has any power in the present..?

Can the past ruin 
a beautiful present ,
A wonderful future...?

Yes, if you give powers to it...!

If you allow
the past to interfere in the present...!

If you permit the bad πŸ˜”πŸ˜ž past to dictate your mood now...!

Why spoil,
a beautiful present ,
A wonderful future...?

Let past remain in the past....!

And, you know,
nothing can be done about it...!

The lesson learned in the past...

The experiences of yesteryears,

That what went wrong,

That will always travel with us...

That lesson will help us in the present ..

That learnings will help us in pedaling now...

That learnings will light our path....

Only the lessons,
of the past can empower us...

Let us empower ourselves...

to power our present & future...!

I Mumbai Murugan....


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