Being Thankful

Do you have a Home 🏘️🏡 to stay..?
Be thankful...!

Do you have food on the table ...?
Express gratitude ..!

Do you have a wonderful 👍 family.?
Thank everyone in the family...!

Are you healthy...?
Say a 1000 prayers...!

Do you have sincere friends...?
Hug 🤗🫂 them & hold them...!

Are you happy...?
Yes, 🙏👍 thanks ...!

Always happy...?
Mostly, & i am glad about it

As far as possible happy...?

Do you have disease free life...?

Are you able to sleep peacefully...?

Do you have peace of mind...?

Do you have sound sleep 💤😴...?

A million reasons to be thankful for this wonderful life 
Marvellous journey...!

I Mumbai Murugan....


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