Are you enjoying this moment...?

A moment please...!

Have you ever thought 🤔,
What it takes,

You have "to be present" 
in "that present moment"...!

You may say,
"I am present" in the moment..!

Are you present in the given moment,

With all your attention,

Without living in the past,

Without reliving the past,

Without imagining the future,

Without regretting the past,

Without worrying about the future,

Fully sensing all,

the sounds & silences...?
The vibrations & reverberations...?

Without any fear or prejudices...?

Fully enjoying the moment..?

Then, you are enjoying that full moment, fully enjoying momentarily..!

If not,..?

You have immediately the next moment..!

Try to enjoy, 
Maximum moments...
Moment after moment...!

Enjoyed your present moment...?
Enjoy the next,
The next ..!

I Mumbai Murugan...


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