
Showing posts from May, 2024

The purpose is to find the purpose, & then gift it.

"Purpose" is "to find the Purpose"..... Why we are here...? What is expected of us...? & Once you find your Purpose... Of your life... Live purposefully... Usefully... Greatfully... Thankfully.. Joyfully... Jovially... & Peacefully... Found your Purpose...? If not, Somehow find out... & If necessary, Put your heart 💞❤️ & soul in finding your purpose...! I Mumbai Murugan...

Be, & Being Joyful...!

If not always... As long as possible... As far as possible... In as many ways as possible... For as many reasons as possible... By all means... By all ways... & Always... Be Joyful... Grateful... Thankful... & That's  the one of the purposes of this grand life & the marvellous journey we are going through...! I Mumbai Murugan...

Each day is a gift..!

Yesterday was a new day .. & but, as of now gone forever...... So is "today"..... It's ready... .to be used fully.... Ready NOW....! Use it wisely....! Use it for .... Making "Someone happy".... Offering Unconditional LOVE....! Making "new things".... "brand new".... "Never done before new".... Make a "difference"... ,& That too ."differently"..... Make a "worthwhile thing"..... Make it a "day to remember"... for "all good reasons".. "Make it a "lively day".... "Make it joyfu"........ Make it "helpful for someone"....... Make it a "kind day"....... Make it a "blissful day"....... Make it "a day to remember"...... Friend....again tomorrow...the same way.... Add your own good ideas to the list.... I Mumbai Murugan.....

You have to motivate yourself...!

Sometimes, this life may be tough...! Unexpected turn of events...! Unpredictable outcomes...! Outcomes,  that's the opposite of our expectations....! So, it's is you...!  You can be & become undefeatable..!  It's all about you... You have to help yourself...! You have to motivate yourself....! You have to console, You have to guide, Believe in magic, Hope against all odds, Keep believing,  It's viable, it's feasible, Attainable, Achievable, & it's absolutely possible...! You have to Pull yourself out & walk yourself out of ruts ..! Hold your hands & walk yourself to see a brand new & grand Sunrise...! Anything is possible,  for a person who believes, Anything is possible...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Silence speaks...!

You can speak.... "Only" When it's time to speak....! that too... "After listening" completely.....! You can speak.... When your words  "can build friendship"....! You may speak.... When you are "calm in mind"....! You shall speak...... When  your "words can comfort a person"...! You should speak...... When you are going to be  "proud of your words"....! You may speak..... When you are "as cool as ice"..! Your speech will be useful.... When you "have all the facts".....! Now, you can speak.... If You have correct impression....! Dear friend.... Please speak now...! What is in "Your mind"... Let us hope.... What you are going to speak is "useful".... "fruitful"... & "mindful".... Ready ...? I Mumbai Murugan......

Trying to do the impossible

If you can.... "Conceive" new ideas,.. "Comence" , with confidence... "Continue," with high hope... &  "Complete' come what may... What is impossible... What is unachievable... Unbelievable... Unimaginable... Unfeasible... Unattainable... Non-viable... Un workable... Unthinkable... Tasks, Taking risks briskly..... Then, "You are a Genius".... I Mumbai Murugan...

If you are not afraid of anything, then...?

If you aren't afraid... If you aren't fearful... If you aren't scared... Not worried... Not panicky.. Not nervous.... Not terrified.... Not jittery... Then, You will become, Unstoppable... & There is no limit, whatsoever... To What you can achieve... & How far you can go...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Set another goal....!

For playing like a toddler... For swimming in a wild river... For going on a steep trekking... For dancing.. For singing... For r Counting the stars... For giggling... For imagining.. For skiing... For dreaming... For diving ... Or For driving... All you need is an adventurous mind ..  Age...? Age is just numbers...! You are never old, To set another goal,  or To visualise a grand life  & all that is considered impossible ..! Ready...? I Mumbai Murugan....

you have to create life, to find meaning....,!

Life is  all about creating... Creating a magical life... Creating a Wonderful, Useful, Helpful, Mindful, Meaningful Life ... ! & Then...? You have to find .... Happiness... Joy... Meaning... Magics... Marvels... & Find a purpose...! May be... You know who are , right now...! But.,  Iife is all about Creating yourself... With all your dreams... With all your aspirations... With all your imagination... With your visualization... Create a Meaningful life... & Find yourself & Happiness...! After finding yourself... You will understand the meaning of your life...! I Mumbai Murugan...

Make Love perfect & make Love perfect...!

Make Love... Perfect love... Unbiased... Unhindered... Ultimate.. Ultra pure... Divine... & Dine with divine... Divine love 💘💖💕❤✨💓💘 For...? Love 💕 is God... & God is Love .. Love God... As,  in Love God exists...! Love my dear 💋💓 Love 💖😘..! With Love 💖😘😍 I Mumbai Murugan....

"Love"...! want to Explain or Experience...?

Love 💘... Pure love ..💗 Honest Love ❤... Heart 💞❤️ to heart 💗❤️ Love.... Making us Happy 😊.. Elicites us to be Ecstasic... Ultimate... Unimaginable... Unexplainable... & Mere words can't explain... The true & unconditional love  💘❤💕💗♥💖.. Makes us spellbound... Can't be exactly explained.... To be experienced... To be enjoyed 😉✨☺😊... Enthralled... I Mumbai Murugan...

Will it be interesting..?

Challenges.... that changes our thinking🤔 Risks... that raises our rhythm... Tests,... that tests our tenacity... Trials,.. .that tries our patience... Troubles.... .that question our thoughts & ideas... & Turbulences,... that increases our testrone, Are all here to... Make our life very thrilling,  &   very interesting... Without challenges & risks... Without curves, turns & bends...  without secrets & suspenses .... Life will be in suspended animation.. & boring ...😴 Totally lifeless,  dull  & mundane... Call for challenges... Taste the trials, tests & Turbulences... Face the challenges... Be in positive suspense... Try for thrills... I Mumbai Murugan....

Without any Risks, how the life will be...?

Challenges.... that changes our thinking🤔 Risks... that raises our rhythm... Tests,... that tests our tenacity... Trials,.. .that tries our patience... Troubles.... .that question our thoughts & ideas... & Turbulences,... that increases our testrone, Are all here to... Make our life very thrilling,  &   very interesting... Without challenges & risks... Without curves, turns & bends...  without secrets & suspenses .... Life will be in suspended animation.. & boring ...😴 Totally lifeless,  dull  & mundane... Call for challenges... Taste the trials, tests & Turbulences... Face the challenges... Be in positive suspense... Try for thrills... I Mumbai Murugan....