Silence speaks...!

You can speak....

When it's time to speak....!
that too...
"After listening" completely.....!

You can speak....
When your words 
"can build friendship"....!

You may speak....
When you are "calm in mind"....!

You shall speak......
your "words can comfort a person"...!

You should speak......
When you are going to be 
"proud of your words"....!

You may speak.....
When you are "as cool as ice"..!

Your speech will be useful....
When you "have all the facts".....!

Now, you can speak....
If You have correct impression....!

Dear friend....
Please speak now...!
What is in "Your mind"...

Let us hope....
What you are going to speak is "useful"....
& "mindful"....

Ready ...?

I Mumbai Murugan......


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