You have to motivate yourself...!

Sometimes, this life may be tough...!

Unexpected turn of events...!

Unpredictable outcomes...!

that's the opposite of our expectations....!

So, it's is you...! 
You can be & become undefeatable..! 

It's all about you...

You have to help yourself...!

You have to motivate yourself....!

You have to console,

You have to guide,

Believe in magic,

Hope against all odds,

Keep believing, 
It's viable,
it's feasible,
it's absolutely possible...!

You have to Pull yourself out
& walk yourself out of ruts ..!

Hold your hands & walk yourself to see a brand new & grand Sunrise...!

Anything is possible, 
for a person who believes,
Anything is possible...!

I Mumbai Murugan....


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