
Showing posts from October, 2023

Hope, Laugh Love...

Like the suggestions...? Where to start...?  Let's start from, "Be Positive"... Be positive, About the Possibilities....! Dance....! To the beat of a different drum,  that too, Merrily...! Take the next step, to continue dancing...! Take the next step, in your life....! Take the next step, in the right direction...! Take the next step, just to continue to do right things..! By chance, If you are in the middle of a storm,  just remember,  this too shall pass...! & Yes... Laugh... don't forget to laugh a hearty laugh...! I Mumbai Murugan....

If you want to sing, you will find a song....! otherwise, you will definitely find an excuse...!

Honestly.... Do you sincerely Wish... to start exercising....? Come what may...? at any cost,...? Then, You'll always find  time & energy  to exercise...! But, you have to "exercise" that option,..! Do you... Wish to start Yoga....? whole heartedly...? You will find time, place & yoga mat...! Still, it's not the mat, that matters...! but your desire that  matters...! Wish to pass exams....? honestly...? You will find mind....  that finds studying interesting...! Wish to sing,...? dance,...?  study, play,  or  swim 🏊‍♀️   🏊‍♂️ ? Whatever... Anything for that matter...! It's purely matter of your  Wish,  Choice & "Will"... and, You will find a way .....! & Of course,  if you don't want to do.... ? Definitely you'll find reasons...! It's up to you ... If you sincerely wish  & Seriously decide,  Then, You will  find.... Song for singing.... Rythem for dancing..... Joy for being jubilant...  or  Exuberant  Excuses...! I Mumba

Life...! you have to make it...! Good the better...!

It's crystal clear.... "You (have) to make it".... Yes... You have to...! &  you have choices... Full freedom...... to freely choose...! You can be useful to someone.... You can be kind.... Sympathetic... Honest... Sincere... & Helpful... You can sing & dance.... Wake up early,  &  welcome the wonderful Sunrise....! You can make others happy...! Do Something "USEFUL"  for the whole man kind...! So that, Even long after we are gone from here, We are remembered...! For good 👍😌👌 reasons...! For making this planet a better place..! Better than how we found...! Whatever.... Mind YOU.... "YOU" "HAVE  TO MAKE" "MOST" OF LIFE....! Life is worth living, When you make... this wonderful journey Useful for others including birds & animals... & If you really can,.. .then, YOU HAVE LIVED  & MADE USE OF IT...! I Mumbai Murugan.....

Can you start today...? do it today...?

Anything, for that matter...! Maybe, A small step in the right ✅😌👌 direction....! May be Baby steps👶🚼 .... May be a motivating  ✅ thought... May be kind words... May be meaningful actions... May be untiring efforts.... May be having high hope... May be a unwavering faith.... May be a tireless trust... May be a sincere wish & try Anything.... That will lay a foundation... That will make you fighting fit... That will make you strong 💪👏... That will make you courageous... That will make you... believe in tomorrows... Believe in miracles... Belive in magics 🎩😍♥😎❤👌 Belive in wonders.... WHATEVER it may be.... DO THAT TODAY...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

It's your life, based on your ideas...!

It's Your life...! Your ideas... Your vision.... Your desires... Your dreams.... Your destination... & Your destiny.... ALL based on your thoughts...! Give it a thought...! No one else can do it for you....! Only You can...! &  You have to ....! You can & you will have to.... "Make it happen"...! You only can & you have to... "Live your life"..! You are capable of... Crafting it... & Creating it... And, No one can do it for you... Get ready... Get set... Go 🚶🎠🚶 Be a go getter... & Make it happen... Let something marvellous happen...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

The one who never gives up...!

It's ok 👌🙂☺... May be.... He is on a wheel chair ♿💺... He is not having Legs... He is competing on a wheel chair ♿💺 He is dependent on wheel chair ♿💺 Still.... He is dependent on... His "strong 💪 will power"... His "undying spirit"... His "unwavering  faith"... His "unending hope"... "Never say never attitude."..! "A dreamer"... "A believer"... & "An achiever"... Who never gave up...! Come what may...! Then... Here comes success 🙌😌☺ Here comes victory ✌🙌😎 Here comes fame... &  Fortune....! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Don't carry the past, past midnight...!

It may seem impossible..... & You may not agree..... That  You can carry an Elephant 🐘....! Don't laugh...! As,  You are already carrying,  an Elephant 🐘! Am I carrying An Elephant 🐘...? Yes ..! Not one elephant 🐘...! But, many Elephants 🐘🐘🐘🐘 ...! Ego, which you are carrying, is heavier than an Elephant.....! Anger, 🤬😡 Is heavier  than the herd of Elephants 🐘 🐘🐘...! & We all carry it....! Because you are carrying much heavier weights,  like.... "Fear".... "Irreversible past"... "Jealous".... "Bad attitude" When compared to the above...  Elephant will be much lighter to carry..! When you throw out all that is heavier, You come out stronger 💪💪 & Sturdy,... And also, You become lighter, to fly...! For flying Flight of Fantasy 😇😇😇..! I Mumbai Murugan...

Excuses are also results...!

Do you realise...?  that, "Excuses"  are also "a result"... But, "Results",  Can not be "a result of excuses"...! &  You can't have both...! Either have.... "Excuses"... Or "Results".... "Results" are... Result of  "giving an excuse" to the "excuses".. & "Excuses" are.... Result of  not showing any interest in Results.... Either way,  the Result is the same...! Either.... You give "Excuses"... Or  You produce "Results"... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

you are a human & you can Cry, & it's not weakness...

When words are  not sufficient to express your sadness..... When your sorrow is in its deepest... As & When  heart's unfulfilled desires exerts pressure.. When there is  "gross misunderstangding" about  "your understanding".... Whenever there is an irreparable loss... When the deepest desires are not met... That few drops.... coming from your eyes are  the best "eye drops" for your minds sore. When you cry,  it means, You have a heart ❣️❤️💖 that cares.... I Mumbai Murugan...

This mesmerizing life is for living a grand life

I clearly hear, you are saying.... Are you crazy ...? How it's possible to Be Crazy... and, At the same time be Happy 🤣😁😁..?! You can be Crazy as well as Happy...! Though it sounds silly, You can be silly 😜😉  & at the same time be smiling ..! Sometimes,  Stupidity 😜😝 is also ok ..! How...? Without crossing stupidity,  how you will become Genius...? Whatever, Being Happy is... Or, atleast trying to be HAPPY 😊😁😌, is, One of the major purpose of this life...! Whatever, Be crazy, or not, Be stupid, or not, Be silly, or not, But, Be HAPPY 😁😁....! Be Joyous...! & Make merry...! Why...? This life is very short...! & Try to make it Sweeter...! May be, it's an one time opportunity...! I Mumbai Murugan...

What does this magical life want from me...?

In this magnificent journey called Life, We have to find answers  to  Just two questions...! First question is, "What do I want"  from this mesmerizing life...? And, the second question...? What does this wonderful life wants  from me...? What I want,  may be granted,  or something better than  what I wanted may be gifted...! But it's important for us to find,  WHAT DOES  THE LIFE really WANTS FROM US...? For...? For, that's the real purpose of this life,,, & We are here to fulfill what the Life expects us to do...! If we can find out, Or Realise,  what does the life want from us   & if we can fulfill that Then our purpose of this life is met... I Mumbai Murugan....

life is what you make of it

Life... is not only about  what  "you are blessed with"...! It's also about  what  "you are able to make" out of it...! If you can make... A small hut into a heaven... A building into a palace... Clay into an idol... Ordinary into Extraordinary... Impossible into possible... Make sad people 😞 to happy 😊 ones, You have lived...! A grand life... & You may live, Forever...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Focus on what matters

Just two things to Focus on...! On finding "What matters"... & "Focusing" on "that matters"...! As, What to focus on, & it matters...! When to focus...? How long to concentrate...? Why give attention...? Freely focus or forcibly...? Everything matters...! "Focus" "on focus"... & That matters...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Making a difference

To make a difference.... We have to be different... In our thoughts, Our words, & Our actions...! How....? When every body is "giving Excuses"... "excuse them"... And  We can "show results"....! When Every one else is egoistic..... Let us be humble... & modest..... When others hate us.... Shower them with Love.... When others are selfish... We can be a selfless soul.... Even if others don't believe... We can "Believe in Miracles"... Be hopeful,  against all odds....! Be faithful.... among doubters.... Be rock solid.... among weak minded.... Be kind.... even if others are arrogant.... Making a difference means.... Believe me, It's  "Swimming along the stream"... but  "in opposite direction."... & "Swimming against the stream".... but  flowing & floating with the flow.... Did I make any difference in your mind....? I Mumbai Murugan.....

Imposible is an Opinion

So, What's your opinion...? But, Please...! Don't say... "this opinion".... that, "Impossible is an opinion", is also "Just a opinion"...! In the beginning... If not Every thing, Most of the things seems impossible...! Like,...? Man can fly like a bird,... Or, Scaling the Everest,... May be, Landing on the moon 🌙 & Mars... Then the Heart transplant,... All seemed & opined to be impossible at the beginning...! As for possibilities, Sometimes, "Sky is the lower limit"...! It's possible, That, "Impossible is just an opinion"...! Believe me, For many, Accepting "Impossible" is possible, Where as,  Accepting it as "possible'  is "impossible".. Till it becomes "possible"...! It's you & me, we have to decide...! We try, we fall,  May be we fail again,  But, we try again, This trying hard, Trying differently, Keep trying  & at one point, We conquer... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....