Making a difference

To make a difference....

We have to be different...
In our thoughts,
Our words,
Our actions...!


When every body is "giving Excuses"...
"excuse them"...
We can "show results"....!

When Every one else is egoistic.....
Let us be humble...
& modest.....

When others hate us....
Shower them with Love....

When others are selfish...
We can be a selfless soul....

Even if others don't believe...

We can "Believe in Miracles"...

Be hopeful, 
against all odds....!

Be faithful....
among doubters....

Be rock solid....
among weak minded....

Be kind....
even if others are arrogant....

Making a difference means....

Believe me,
"Swimming along the stream"...
"in opposite direction."...
"Swimming against the stream"....
flowing & floating with the flow....

Did I make any difference in your mind....?

I Mumbai Murugan.....


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