Don't let out your head, that too rent free...

How funny...?

Thinking frequently of....

Whom you hate....
Whom you dislike....
With whom you have difference of opinion....

Re- living...

The bad memoirs...

Is like,
"your mind"
to hold unwanted trash, 
That too, 
"free of cost",
"At the cost of"
your heath & happiness....

Let all the...

Bad memoirs,
Unfortunate incidents,
Whom you dislike,
Whom you Hate...

All be erased from your memory, thoughts & thinking for ever...!

Don't let 
"unwanted things", 
"Unfaithful persons", 
"Unsavory memories"...
stay free of cost
 in your mind, thoughts & thinking...!

Let it go...!
Feel free,
Live like a feather 🪶🪶...
Very lite, & happily floating...!

I Mumbai Murugan...


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