You need to know, as to what do you want..?

We "need" to understand, 
"our needs" are less than "our wants"...!

If you "just want" 
what "you need to survive", 
there is "no need" to "want" more...!

If "you want" more than what "you need",
"You need" actually "what is not needed", 
"what you want" beyond "what you need", actually is exerting "unwanted" stress...!

When you need 
more than what you actually need, 
it becomes, 
you want more than what you need...!

You need to understand that, 
the needs are bare minimum needed 
for our happy living...!

Whatever you want beyond your needs, wants you to want what is not wanted...!

What you want...?
What you need...? 
All depends on 
what you need,
What you want...!

You want your needs met, 
you need whatever you want, 
beyond your needs 
to be decided by your needs & wants...!

I Mumbai Murugan....


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