
Showing posts from April, 2024

Give a meaning to life you are living

Give "meaning to life"... Means... First you have to have a meaning... Give meaning to your thoughts.... Give value to your words  Generate ideas 💡... Think creatively.... Think out of box..... Be useful... Helpful... Peaceful... Joyful... Celebrate... That's the purpose & meaning for our existence... I mean it... I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

You need to know, as to what do you want..?

We "need" to understand,  that,  "our needs" are less than "our wants"...! If you "just want"  what "you need to survive",  there is "no need" to "want" more...! And, If "you want" more than what "you need", then, "You need" actually "what is not needed",  &  "what you want" beyond "what you need", actually is exerting "unwanted" stress...! When you need  more than what you actually need,  it becomes,  you want more than what you need...! & You need to understand that,  the needs are bare minimum needed  for our happy living...! And, Whatever you want beyond your needs, wants you to want what is not wanted...! What you want...? & What you need...?  All depends on  what you need, & What you want...! You want your needs met,  or  you need whatever you want,  beyond your needs  to be decided by your needs & wants...! I

"Do" "what you Love," "Love what you do"..!

"Do" you "Love"..? You want me to "Love ".?  Yes...! " Love" whole-heartedly, 💘 Whatever you do...! & "Do" only that, Whatever you Love💘.! Now, check... "What you Love".. & "What you do"  are the same...? Or are different...? Either  "Love"  What  you " Do", Or  "Do " only  "What you Love"..! Whatever.... it's going to be Love 💘n doing it...! Also, It's going to be lovely... If & only if, "If you love"  Whatever you do... Or "If you do"  what you love💘.. I Mumbai Murugan......

sit on a terrace & live with stars, sky and, enjoy

What next...? After sitting on the terrace....? You can, "Name the stars " "count stars".... See the   "Clouds traveling across the sky".. Observe " Moon's movements".... Feel the "Gentle breeze".... Passionately watch  " the twinkling stars"... Observe "Clouds & the moon "🌙 playing hide & seek... Are the stars jealous of the moon 🌙..? This is for night time terrace...! In Day time....?  Birds flying across for food & water... Clouds swimming across the sky... Bright Sun heating up.... From bright red while rising  to orange 🍊 colour.... And, In full Moon days you can have dinner... watching the stars 🌟 & the moon.. In the darkest areas of the terrace...! Moon 🌙🌚🌔🌕🌖🌛🌙 may not be there during noon... Still You can watch the white clouds travelling across clear blue 💙 spotless sky ... And, The most suitable place for Romance .! Come, let's go to the terrace.... I Mumbai

kindness, innocence & purity be our religion

Let our religion be...... "Innocence" of a child..... "Purity of mother's  milk.... Kindness.... "Perfect UnderstandING.".. "Sympathy .... "Empathy"..... "Warmth:... "Gentleness. Of a breeze"... "Tenderness of a coconut"... Laughter. Of a toddler... & Pure, sincer & unconditional  Love.... Now,  celebrate by each one of the above virtue... I Mumbai Murugan....