Can you be & see without EGO ..?

A small problem...
about the size of a sesame seed...

can be inflated to be shown. ...
As big as a mountain....?


"Possible For EGO."....

Complicating a small issue in to a big issue..?

Possible to impossible...?

are all Possible for Ego...!

A Big complicated trouble...
About the size of Himalayas...

Can be shown as solvable...?


Possible for Love...!

Simplifying any complication...?
Impossible to possible...?

are all Possible for LOVE...

Possible for Affection & Understanding...

Without Ego...
whether you " Love " the " Ego "...


Let "go" of "Ego" 
Want to " live" with "Love."..


I Mumbai Murugan....


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