
Showing posts from March, 2024

Walk your way through your life...!

Each and every one of us... At some point in their life... Know very well... That, Truth is the ultimate truth... Love is panacea... Kindness is mindfulness... Understanding is unrivalled.... Sympathy... Empathy... & Compassion... Are all the path &  passion... No compromise or comparison... Knowing very well this is the path... Very few Understand... Very very few undertake... Rare people complete the journey through this golden path... I Mumbai Murugan....

Emptiness is useful...! Fill it..!

Cup full of emptiness... Can be filled... Whereas,  Full cup without emptiness... Cannot be filled... All depends on... How you want the cup....? Full...? Or  Empty....? Other way around... How the cup is given to you..? Full of emptiness....? Or Filled, &  full....? Also depends on... What it is filled with... Or Filled  with Emptiness,  & how you are planning to fill..! Decided....? Want a cup full of emptiness....? Or Full to the brim without emptiness...? By the way, did you notice...? The emptiness outside the cup....? Of which,  cup is filling about the size of cup...! I Mumbai Murugan....

I can't accept "not trying"..!

"Failure" can be accepted...? "A Failure",  after putting in all out efforts, after trying all the possibilities, after trying hard, after whole hearted effort, after giving one hundred percent dedication,  maybe accepted...! Then ..? "A Failure", Without any efforts, Without any endeavour, struggle, Toil, & Without even trying,  is not acceptable...! & can't be accepted...! Acceptable...? I Mumbai Murugan....

YOU CAN...! Anything ...! Do ..!

If you can dance,  to the beat of a different drum,   to your heart's singing,  without worrying about the rhythm, & Without caring for  whether anybody is watching  or  no one is watching,  then,  you are really enjoying your life...! If you can sing, Without worrying about the tune,  beats, length & breadth, Or Without worrying about the depth of voice, Surely you are living your life like music...! & Finally,  If you can LOVE,  without getting hurt, Unconditionally, Without measure, With heart & soul, then,  You are  Loving your living,  while living lovingly....! I Mumbai Murugan....

Empty worry...! Who created thoughts...? & Thought process...?

Is it possible...? Empty of worrying...? It's really worrying, that,  we can't be without any thoughts...! How can we be empty of worries...? Can we be Empty of ego...? Empty of sorrows...? Empty of greed...? Empty of Anger...? Empty of fear...? Dear,  every thing is possible,  by practice,  by perseverance,  by patience,  by penance...! & Who created the thought ..? Ever thought about it...? It's thought,  thoughtlessness is close to Godliness...! Being thoughtless, Being still, & Being silent, are virtues, virtually will lead us to the higher planes..! Try, being thoughtless...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Just learning, & growing...

There is no failure... "In the failure "... As long as you could learn... As to "why it failed"..? & "What to do"..?,  to "not to fail again"... What not to do....? & What to do....? What to do, If we don't learn...? In success,  we may not get a lesson...! as to why it didn't fail..! In failure, you can always find many reasons & lessons... & Even after failure..... If you fail to learn... then, Understand that, its your failure...! & I fail to understand, why again fail...? Wish you all success...! I Mumbai Murugan.....

Do worthy things worth living...

Anything.... That you think of ... That you plan.. That you do, Which, not only keeps  your blood racing... But also, That keeps you  on your toes... Running... Hurrying... Rushing adreline through your "veins"... & Not in vain... That's worth doing it...! For the thrill of it...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Sitting inside the prison, with keys in hand

Prisons that is holding the soul are... Anger... Agony... Anxiety... Fear... Jealous.... Self doubt... Worry.... Panic... & All the negative thoughts & actions... & the keys.....? Belief.... Hope... Trust... Faith... Sympathy... Smile... Confidence & conviction....! Love...! & All the positive thoughts & actions...! Open your prisons with suitable key...! Better still... Never ever build prisons...! With Love.... I Mumbai Murugan....

Positive, hopeful & Good thoughts are healing

Thoughts...! Have you ever thought about   the thoughts you are getting continuously...? Never ending stream of thoughts, splashing like  a continuous stream of waves... Correcting our thoughts, From Bad to Good, From fear to faith, From confusion to conviction, Weakness to strength, Gloomy thoughts to glowing thoughts, Despair to hope  Thoughts can be healing... I Mumbai Murugan....

Use "Today", for "living in today", for living today, as today is available only today....!

Today.... A brand new day... with fresh rays of sun  & fresh wind.... let us have fresh Hopes... new ideas.... new wishes.... new direction... there is no time for yesterday... & no time for past.... Let yesterday, .remain in yesterday...! As, Gone is gone....! & Gone forever...! If you use your " today " "for regretting" about "yesterday"... You "will" definitely regret " tomorrow" For  "wasting your today"  on regretting about "yesterday"..! Let us not regret tomorrow, For not using today for today... Thinking 🤔 about yesterday  & Day before..! As "day before" is gone... & "Day after" is yet to arrive..! I MUMBAI MURUGAN...

Can you be & see without EGO ..?

A small problem... about the size of a sesame seed... can be inflated to be shown. ... As big as a mountain....? Possible...! "Possible For EGO.".... Complicating a small issue in to a big issue..? Possible to impossible...? are all Possible for Ego...! & A Big complicated trouble... About the size of Himalayas... Can be shown as solvable...? Possible...! Possible for Love...! Simplifying any complication...? Impossible to possible...? are all Possible for LOVE... Possible for Affection & Understanding... Without Ego... Decide.... whether you " Love " the " Ego "... Or Let "go" of "Ego"  & Want to " live" with "Love.".. "Love"..! I Mumbai Murugan....

happiness depends on your attitude

With just 1 flower..... you can sing, dance..... & enjoy.... For your caring...the  plant has yielded result..... or with a garden full of flowers.... still you may be "upset"....& Sad... looking for something you don't have.... It's in your MIND.... "Mind you".... "Mind" is under your control.... Happiness is......  fully dependent on your mind set & attitude .. not based on what you have...