This day is available Only once ..! Just once..!,

You & me never seen THIS DAY before....

Today is unique....& every today is unique...

Today....Sun shine is on half the sky...
rest of the sky covered with grey rainy clouds....

Slight drizzling....

Wet trees are shaking....
For draining the droplet of rain waters...

Then for some time....its clear blue sky....

Birds flocking across the bluish sky....back home...

So, It's in our hands to see the beauty ....
& Try to make each day count....

Mind you....
We will never have this day our life...

Then, This life itself...
May also be only, Try to see.....
The wonders & the magics of each day.....
as it unfolds..

Or let us create our own Magics & wonders....
To make this planet a better place...
For generations to come.....

Mumbai Murugan.......


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