
Showing posts from February, 2024

This day is available Only once ..! Just once..!,

You & me never seen THIS DAY before.... Today is unique....& every today is unique... Today....Sun shine is on half the sky... rest of the sky covered with grey rainy clouds.... Slight drizzling.... Wet trees are shaking.... For draining the droplet of rain waters... Then for some time....its clear blue sky.... Birds flocking across the bluish sky....back home... So, It's in our hands to see the beauty .... & Try to make each day count.... Mind you.... We will never have this day our life... Then, This life itself... May also be only, Try to see..... The wonders & the magics of each day..... as it unfolds.. Or let us create our own Magics & wonders.... To make this planet a better place... For generations to come..... Mumbai Murugan.......

stay close to those who give peace of mind

First, find out...! Whom...? Who can give us .... Peace of mind... Happiness 😊🥰❤️💞💕❤💘.. Sincere Love.... Un conditional Affection... Be kind with us... Understand us ... & Likes us... Is the one, who can give us peace'of mind & Happiness..! & They can nourish our soul...! We are Lucky,  if we get such a person, in our life,  as a friend,  or as a soul mate, Or whatever position...! Am I Lucky, or I am Lucky, or Lucky I am, It all depends on whether I have one in life..! I Mumbai Murugan ...

other side of the fear

What do you want...? Fame...? Fortune 🔮...? Success 🖐️...? Health...? Wealth ...? Peace of mind...? Anything you desire, for that matter, All are on the other side of the fear 😨...! the "Success", is on the Other side of the fear 😨 of failure, the "fame"  is on the Other side of the fear of going wrong... The "fortune"  is hiding behind the hardwork you are avoiding... The "health" "Wealth",  "peace of mind" are all just on the other side of our "inaction", "procrastination", & "worrying" for others opinion...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Every day is a blessing. & there is always blessings in every day.

Understand that, When ever you go through.... Any battle.... Fight... Strive... Strain... Toil... Conflict... COMPAT... Contest... And, All of them Or any of them, When you Confront .. &  Compete... Understand that... There is always a Reward... Blessings... Prize, award  & accolades  that await you...! & It will be  a handsome honour...! And it will be a  "boon",   "bonus" & "Bounty."..! I Mumbai Murugan...

Not able to Run...? it's ok. But don't stop, keep moving ..!

Its ok & sufficient, If we can move forward...! It may be by walking..! Or even crawling...! Just that we have to move forward...! even if we can move by an inch ahead,  it will be really great..! Never ever stop...! Never Halt your march...! Just Go forward...! Inspite of oposition...! Even if there are few failures..! Even if there are temporary setbacks ..! Despite all the head wind, Keep moving forward...! One day, there will be a new dawn...! For those whom never giveup, A glorious future awaits...! I Mumbai Murugan

have you met that special person ?

Once in life time... Every thing changes...!       Yes.... everything...! Your thinking....            Your liking... Your perception...            Your views.... Your ideas...             Your attitude.... & Your Persona... Every thing Will change... when you meet that some 1  special.... May be, The same moon 🌙 Looks different...! The same breeze... But Slightly warmer..! The rose 🌹 Lilly,  &  Jasmine ... With different fragrance...! Everything looks different...! Heart ,❤💙💖💗💘 Thought, Act & The life...! Everything different...! It's totally different...! Did you meet that someone special...? I Mumbai Murugan...