keep in memory, one day we will become a memory

As of Now, 
"Am I living",
In the mind, heart, thought & soul 
of anyone...?
"Will I be able to live" 
in the memory of at least a few....?

As I exist now,
If I am able to impress others..

As I live now,
If I am able to make a positive change in anybody's life,

As of now, 
If someone remembers me, 
for the help extended...
For the upliftment I could give in their life,
For the unconditional Love 💖💘 showered,
For the kindness i have shown...
For consoling a weary heart 💕❤️💖..

It is immaterial,
Will anyone's memory hold us...!

As for as my memory goes....

we will live in others memories...

If I can make the nation proud...

If I can achieve great things....

Then I will occupy many memories...
If I could make history... 
Then I will be, written indelible,
in the golden pages of the HISTORY...!

Keep this in your memory...
Do great things in your lifetime...
even if we become a memory, 
We will live in history books as a

I hope you keep it in your memory....

I Mumbai Murugan....


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