
Showing posts from November, 2023

don't pay attention to giving attention

Your attention please...! Don't like something..? Don't pay attention to it..! And, value of that something...? It remains the same...! Why you don't like...? Why you hate..? Whatever the reason, When you like 👍... When you pay attention.. & When you observe... Either  you like 👍 Or Don't like 👍 & also, You will observe,  that, It's your eyes 👀   that likes 👍  Or dislikes 👎 The like & dislikes exists in you...! & The object...? It remains the same...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Focus, on building new, anew

Ready...? With a new idea..? With a new design...? A new method...? A new thinking 🤔? A brand new way of doing..? FOCUS... Practice.. Purpose... Smart work.. Never say never attitude... & That's the way forward..! In building 🏠 a new future...! What to do with.. The Old...? & The Past...? Forget the past & old ... & Focus on the now & new ...! A new...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN...

Be kind is about being kind...!

You may regret... For ...? Being Rude... Being Angry... Being Short tempered... Being Jealous... For Flying off the handle... Being Insensitive.... So...? And, You will never regret ... "Being calm"... "Being composed"... "Being magnanimous"... "Being honest"... "Being sincere "... "Being helpful "... "Being Lovely" ❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️.. " Being generous"...🙏 & "Being Kind"... " Kindly " note... "Being kind" never goes out of fashion...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Waiting for the Ship at Airport...?

You will be waiting.... For "The Ship in the Airport"... For "the Aeroplane ✈️🛫 in a harbour"... For "the Bus in a Railway station"... & For a "Train in a bus stand"... If you don't  Change your thinking 🤔... Change your imagination... Change your attitude... permanently change your belief... Hopefully change in your hopes....! & The real CHANGE.... Lasting changes.... Permanent change... Worthy change ... Change for the better, .. comes with, The changes you make in you...! & Every change commences from You...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Let your mind wander in wonderful place

Let your mind wander, From... known to the unknown... Realized to unrealized... Darkness to light... Understood to not be so Understood... Unclear to clear...! Why wander ..? To find a mystery... To find magic... To unravel wonders...! & To the places, where we may not be able to go... To the situation,  where we may not be able to be... To an imagined future... To the sky, to float with white clouds... To land in the untraveled peaks... Let your mind wander... & Wonder about the wonders of this wonderful life & the grand journey...! I Mumbai Murugan....

You can...!

"You can do it",  that,  which people say, "You can't"....! It's possible, that, Which people say, "Not possible", It is really possible for you..! Infact  It's achievable... It's attainable ... It's reachable... It's within our capabilities... & Anything is possible, That,  Which people say as impossible...! Possible...? Possibly, possible...! Have hope, faith,  & Trust in your abilities...! It's possible...! & You can do it ..! Try...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Change the way you look at things

You have to Change, The way you look at things...! & The way you want the things to be, Also, The way you want it to change.....! Then... The things you look at change..! The things you desire manifest...! The dreams you imagine unfold...! From a Duck to a Swan....? Why not...? "CHANGE"  THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS...! "Change" The way you want the things to change...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

for any thing101 ideas, or 101excuses

Excuse me,  do you have any idea...? For doing anything & everything,  you can generate hundreds of ideas....! & For not doing...? You can give hundreds of excuses...! For giving excuses also,  we can have hundreds of ideas...! & "Excuse" is also an idea...? Yes, it's an idea,  that,  ideas are not going to work...! Any idea,  Do we need ideas for excuses  or  Excuses for not generating ideas...! Either way, Either find out the reason for doing  or  generate an idea for not doing & giving excuses...! Excuse me... I Mumbai Murugan...

Every moment can be a masterpiece....

Any idea 💡💡✅👍...? How to make each day of our life,  a masterpiece..? Very simple,  & without any complications...? Make every moment very simple ☺️..! Make a few moments of the day  for joyful living, & ecstasy...! Provision for being kind with one & all... Allot a few moments for helping others... Allow a few moments of stillness... And, a few moments of silence... A few moments of Calmness.. And, a few moments of composure... As many moments as possible for, Self care 💅😘 Self control, Self creation, Self Love, Crafting, Rafting, Running, Breathing, & Be innocent, And,  wonder,  moment after moment,  about the wonders of creation,  and  about the Marvels of this life...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Be a perinial believer

A Mother... carrying the baby in her womb... Just feeling the movements,  & kicks of the baby 👶... with out even seeing the 👶 baby .... is a strong believer... All of us go to sleep... Hoping that, we will get up in the morning... We are all believers...! Today will be a wonderful day...! That's a believer's idea...! & is a hopeful believer...! All of us,  Who ever it maybe.... Expecting... Good things to happen, Working 💪👷‍♂️💪for better tomorrows, Having perennial hope, Trust in the process, Faith in the journey & it's outcome, Belive that better days are ahead, & What lies ahead is much much better than what we left behind... Are.... All... Believers & Believers keep this world going...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN......

enjoy your life

Enjoy.... When...? Now...! What to enjoy....? Simple things...! Sunrises are to see & enjoy... Flowers slowly blossoming is to celebrate Birds flocking in the eastern sky... Stars & moon in the night sky... New banana leaves opening up from the round rolled, curly leaves... Different green colors of different trees... Squirrels running between the trees... And counting... And ofcourse the giggle if the new born baby girl... Life is for enjoying the small things as well  Mumbai Murugan....

You will decide, be Happy or be Sad...!

It's as simple as that...! Just that,  YOU HAVE TO DECIDE...! Decide, TO BE HAPPY...? Or TO BE HAPPIER...? Or TO BE THE HAPPIEST...! and,  exactly as decided by you... You will be.. either.."HAPPY"... Or ......."Happier"... Or........."The Happiest"....! Decided...? Now action....! Have full hope...! but... Don't have any expectations...! Let  your happiness  be not dependent on others...! You will be, As happy as we decide to be...! As peaceful as we decide... As joyful 🥰 as we decide... & As long as we decide to be...! I Mumbai Murugan...

Love & Laughter gives good health, not medicines...!

Can medicines 💊 give good health...? What about junk food...? Irregular life style...? Absolutely no , & 💯 %  no ...! then...? What can give us Vibrant health.....? "PEACE OF MIND"  can 🕊🏳✌ give a marvellous health...! "Happy heart" will give a hearty laugh .....! Joyful good  thoughts... Helping nature... Hearty laugh.... PURE LOVE 💖💘💖😍😘... Positive thoughts... & Constructive ideas 💡...... CAN GIVE GOOD HEALTH...! Of all the above.... LOVE ❤😍💖❣💕💘❤ & LAUGHTER 😃😀😄😁🤣😂... are the Panacea....! Then why wait...? Have a hearty laugh 😃😀😄 & That lasts as "long Lasting  laugh"...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN.....

peace of mind is the cure

Can medicines 💊 give good health...? What about junk food...? Irregular life style...? Absolutely no , & 💯 %  no ...! then...? What can give us Vibrant health.....? Peace of mind can 🕊🏳✌... Happy heart will  ..... Joyful good  thoughts... Helping nature... Hearty laugh.... Pure Love... Positive thoughts... Constructive ideas 💡...... Of all the above.... LOVE ❤😍💖❣💕💘❤ & LAUGHTER 😃😀😄😁🤣😂... Are the Panacea.... Then why wait...? Have a hearty laugh 😃😀😄 & That lasts as "Last laugh" MUMBAI MURUGAN.....

be a true friend

Come what may.... "The one" "who stands by you"... Whatever difference of opinion,  Whatever misunderstanding... Whatever ever difficulties... Whatever ever comes or goes, Whoever likes you the most... Who never leaves you ... Is the best friend & soulmate...! They may have come last... But, they will never leave you...! Blessed ones  gets the blessed relationship...,! May God bless us to have one..! One who loves our heart & soul.. & Let us also love them unconditionally...! I Mumbai Murugan....

change, for a change, for a real change...!

Do you want to change your life....? Then, Are you ready for the change...? Challenge & Change yourself, When compared to yesterday, & the day before...! Have you tried to have change... In your 💡 ideas 💡..? Or The method of doing...? Or  Change the technique of executing...? Or  Invented a new process...? Or  Developed a new belief....? Or Changed the Pattern...? Atleast.... If any one the above could be changed, Then... You can Hope to have a  " Change" in your life...! & A Changed life...! Forget the past...! At least from Now on,... we can try to change... & HAVE... A Change  DIFFERENT from (ROUTINE)..! A real CHANGE.. Not just for a change, But for a lasting change...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....

keep in memory, one day we will become a memory

As of Now,  "Am I living", In the mind, heart, thought & soul  of anyone...? & "Will I be able to live"  in the memory of at least a few....? As I exist now, If I am able to impress others.. As I live now, If I am able to make a positive change in anybody's life, As of now,  If someone remembers me,  for the help extended... Or For the upliftment I could give in their life, Or For the unconditional Love 💖💘 showered, Or For the kindness i have shown... Or For consoling a weary heart 💕❤️💖.. Then, It is immaterial, Will anyone's memory hold us...! As for as my memory goes.... we will live in others memories... If I can make the nation proud... If I can achieve great things.... Then I will occupy many memories... & If I could make history...  Then I will be, written indelible, in the golden pages of the HISTORY...! Keep this in your memory... &  Do great things in your lifetime... Then,  even if we become a memory,  We will live in history

You have to start & become great

To start anything new... To aim for something great, To achieve anything worthwhile, To make this journey wonderful 😊🙏💘 To have meaning for our existence, To be of useful, All you have to do is ... You have to start...! Commence that which is impossible...! Continue despite obstacles & hardships,. Contemplate the incomprehensible... Continue, come what may... & When you continue & complete 💯✅, Continue to burn midnight oil, That one day will come, A new dawn, & On that day we will become great...! & Greatness comes,  after all the efforts...! And, anyway,  you need not be great to start, & At any cost, You need to start,  to become great...! To be the greatest of all time.... I Mumbai Murugan....

Be an optimist, life is to be lived with optimism...

When do Miracles happen...? A huge elephant 🐘🐘 jumping in the circus 🎪🎪, Believing that  a small monkey 🐵 will hold her from the fall...! & That's the hope...! A bigger Hope...! Overall optimism...! Full of faith....! & Faith can move Mountains...! Also, Believe.... Anything is possible...! & Anything & everything will be possible..! "Just jump"... "Just jump start"... Don't worry what can go wrong... Think & Trust it can go right... The elephant can hold on to the bar  with it's  trunk  in addition to the monkey's hands...! & It will work out...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Being still & silent

Able to believe...? It's all about stillness & movements...! Movement rules stillness..? Or Stillness ruled movements...? In movement, stillness is lost...! ,& In stillness, movements are lost...! What rules what...? Or, Are there any rules...? When in stillness,  movements are absent,  & When in movement, Stillness is not possible...! That's what normal thinking says...! For a genius, In movement, stillness is still there, & In stillness, still movements are there.. Finally, It all seems, that,  Stillness,  in all its stillness, Still the ruler...! The grand ruler of of movements...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Today is a wonderful day..Lucky day

Today is a "Good" day...! Yes, it is...! In fact, Every day is a good day....! In this marvelous journey called " Life".... It's We, to make it "better" day... &  then get the "best" out of it....! Come what may....! It's in our hands... It's in our wonderful words... It's in our marvellous Mind... It's in our thoughtful thinking... It's in our thankful thoughts... &  It's in our Absolute actions... To make it a great day, There by Have a great day....! Every day from today... WISH YOU A HAPPY DAY ...! Let this day be, A marvellous day, Mesmerizing day, Wonderful day, Beautiful day, Peaceful day & Happy, happy day...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN ..

invisible to the eyes

[10/30, 12:34 AM] Mumbai Murugan: Invisible things.... Oxygen.... in air & invisible.... Water ... in black clouds...& invisible... Vitamin D.... in sunlight ...& invisible... Hope, Belief, Trust, Confidence, Conviction, & FAITH... None of the above is visible to Naked eyes...! You can realise,  only with  your magnanimous heart... Kind thoughts . & A beautiful soul... I Mumbai Murugan... [10/30, 12:37 AM] Mumbai Murugan: Indeed,  I feel, The list should start with  "Be Positive"   &  End with "Stay happy"...! Anyway, Just about anything needed to live... A "Happy" life" "Peaceful existence", "Joyous", "Contented", "Healthy", Life Is listed here...! Just be Positive...! &  Stay happy...! Always ..! And, Of course, don't forget to giggle... In between...! As, In between the birth & final end, It's a very short journey...! I Mumbai Murugan.... I Mumbai Murugan.....

Don't fear the fear...!

"Fear not"  the "fear"...! Infact,  the "Fear" should "fear"you...! For that, You have to be fire brand....! What ever we aspire... I repeat,  what ever we aspire... It's all available just "Beyond the fear", where "we fear"  the "fear" most...! Fear says,  What if ... It fails...? What if  If it doesn't work...? What if If it's not possible....? Courage says... What if ... If we succeed...? What if .. If  we achieve....? What if... If we can make it...? What if .. If we can reach the peak....? Decide.... "Fearing"  "the fear"... Or... Face the fear... & make "the fear" "fear you"....! I Mumbai Murugan....