we will energe victorious....

"If God willing".......
we will meet....
after all these Corana QUARENTINE is over....
That's the "faith"........
that's the "confidence"........
that's the "hope".........
& that's in the hands of the "Almighty"........

Those of us who survive....

were taken closer ........
"very near" the door "to death".......

are shown.....
 that the money "alone" cannot save us......

are shown that, it's not lack of time....
we need "dedication".......
we need "focus".....
we need "willing heart".....
we need "Wisdim"......
we need "Luck".....

that, our life is very short....
very limited time........here ...

"Only thing"......
"We have to live".......

helping each other.....

We have to be....
"find out ourselves".....
"appreciate our life"......

Above all......
Thank almighty....."the creator" & "the protector"....
we are allowed to live.....for now....


Mumbai Murugan


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