
Showing posts from April, 2021

There is risks & rewards in Taking risks...

Either you will guide as a leader... Or Lead as a guide... As a leader... You may have many guides under you.. Or As a guide... You may produce many leaders... What ever... YOU HAVE TO TAKE RISKS... Risky ideas... Risky methods... Risky thoughts... Risky routes... Risky jumps.. Risky swings... & Many times, it will be really  tricky... Take Risks... Either lead or guide... Mumbai Murugan.....

we will energe victorious....

Yes..... "If God willing"....... we will meet.... after all these Corana QUARENTINE is over.... That's the "faith"........ that's the "confidence"........ that's the "hope"......... & that's in the hands of the "Almighty"........ Those of us who survive.... were taken closer ........ "very near" the door "to death"....... are shown.....  that the money "alone" cannot save us...... are shown that, it's not lack of time.... but  we need "dedication"....... we need "focus"..... we need "willing heart"..... we need "Wisdim"...... we need "Luck"..... that, our life is very short.... very limited ... "Only thing"...... "We have to live"....... peacefully....gracefully....Joyfully... helping each other..... We have to be.... "Wiser"...."Stronger".... "find out ourselves".....

Remember not to forget....

Remember not to forget... That... You have to have fun... & It's really going to be funny... Without forgetting... Enjoy... Celebrate... Make merry... Relish... Adore... Appreciate... & Savor... This journey... Mumbai Murugan....

Enjoy now

When....? If not now...? If not here then where....? If not you then who will....? To enjoy... To play in the waves.... To dance in the beaches.... To play hide & seek in wide open... To sing a melody by the river side... To swing in the wild tree... To get lost in the jungles... Taking risks... & To sum it all & to say simply... LIVE OUR LIVES, Enjoying fully... Every moment of it... No ifs & buts... ITS NOW OR NEVER... LIVE YOUR LIFE NOW... MUMBAI MURUGAN.....

when was the last time you did something new ..?

Any idea....? When did you have a New idea..? For the first-time... & Imagine when did you have  New imaginations..? Possibly, when was last you thought of, New possibilities...? Think...when did you have  New thinking...? Any way... Of New ways...? New methods... New techniques... Any thing New for the first time... By the way,  There is nothing new,  we always think in old ways... & Though its old saying.... Thinking New ideas, methods... Is the only method..... Mumbai Murugan.....

Be your own idea Do what is right for you & others

You can do... What is best suited for you.. That sets your imagination soaring... Your heart on fire... Your ideas flowing... You can make effortless efforts... Your creativity climbing... & Your soul absolutely happy... Not what others, everyone else is doing.. Mumbai Murugan....

Happiness is in you,

If, You & Me can... Live in this moment.... Happily... Peacefully... Perfectly.... Joyously... Gratefully... Graciously... Cheerfully & Kindly.... Kindly note that.... Also, If you can live in each & every moment.... of your life... From this moment... Moment to moment... That's the real meditation... Mumbai Murugan....


If, You & Me can... Live in this moment.... Happily... Peacefully... Perfectly.... Joyously... Gratefully... Graciously... Cheerfully & Kindly.... Kindly note that.... Also, If you can live in each & every moment.... of your life... From this moment... Moment to moment... That's the real meditation... Mumbai Murugan....

invitation to joyfully enjoy life

First, we have to notice... The invitations... To be joyful... To be peaceful... To be mindful... To be blissful... In... Every sunrise... Sunsets... Twinkling stars... Unending waves... The full disc moon... The breeze... & In... Birds singing... Trees swinging... Slowly Falling leaves... Squirrel chases... Gentle breeze... Enjoy... With joy, Mumbai Murugan....

Our heart & mind can see... what our eyes can't see

Not only eyes... But also, Our heart & mind can see, Beauty is.... Eyes can only see the beauty... Whereas, Heart & mind can.... See, Feel, Realise, & Understand, Clearly... Not only the visible.. But also the invisible... Unexplained... Incomprehensible... & Baffling... Baffling....? Mumbai Murugan...

keep going... you will reach your dream destination, & achive success, fame & fortune

Not only "Good things"... For that matter, Any ordinary thing... Takes time... As for Great achievements... It Takes effort.. Takes time, Energy, Effort, Dedication, Focus, Hard work, Sincerity, & Moving forward with Hope... Faith & trust... What ever,  Quitting... Quitting keep going... Quitting altogether is not an option...! Only option is "Quit the idea of Quitting". Mumbai Murugan....

"Quit" the "idea of quitting"...

Not only "Good things"... For that matter, Any ordinary thing... Takes time... As for Great achievements... It Takes effort.. Takes time, Energy, Effort, Dedication, Focus, Hard work, Sincerity, & Moving forward with Hope... Faith & trust... What ever,  Quitting... Quitting keep going... Quitting altogether is not an option...! Only option is "Quit the idea of Quitting". Mumbai Murugan....

try to Enjoy, everything you have...

Of all the assets you have... Money, Education, Training, Intelligence, Skills, Health, ability.. & Time, How & how much of it you enjoy... That matters... & If you can use all your assets to the fullest... Then, may be, you can be the  happiest.... Mumbai Murugan....

learned what is being taught...?

Any situation, Any incident, Any place & persona, Any thing for that matter... Teaches us something, Worthwhile, Worldly Wonder, & Make us wise, Otherwise, it won't leave, Or may be, It re-occurs... Till we learn... Mumbai Murugan....