"Excuse me"......😉😃 friend....

You may not like ....
What I am going to say...

"No excuses"....

Don't say "I hate work out"......
You have to "work out"....
A way ...
So that "it works out"....
"When you try"...."it will work out"

"I can't do it" is  an excuse....
But, you can't accept an excuse....
From your self...& others as well...

"I will do it later" ....
No dear, it's an excuse...
called "procrastination"...
Not accepted any more....
Do the "later" ....now...

Don't say "No will power"
Some how "power your will".....
& Then, "you will"...
Achieve..."every will"
Let us hope "You will" your "will"

Don't say I am "too old"
You are just "right old"....
Remember....? "Old is Gold"
Dig up your "Gold mine"....

It's too hard....is an excuse....
Only, Till the time you try...

Every body has 24 hours...
Only & equal....
"I am too busy"...is an excuse
Means you are "busy" in "idle" things

So dear friend. ...
"please excuse me".....
I am not going to accept "excuse me"...

I am going to "work out"  .. 
ways of making things work...

I have the will power....

So that I will do it now....
I will do work out....
I can do it....
I have enough time to do it....
I am young....in my mind....& body as well....
I am energetic....
I will succeed....

So, my dear friend.....
"Please excuse me"...I will not accept "excuse me"...

"No more "Excuse me"....😊😉😄😃😀


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