
Showing posts from August, 2024

Feel younger..! do it any way

Are you Old...? & Also, Are you "feeling old" & elderly...? For... playing in a swing...? For... playing with toys ....? For... Jumping & hoping while walking,  like a tiny toddler....? Then, By all means, do all  that you are shy of...! & All that toddlers do...! It seems... We become old, As & When, We really "feel like" "elderly & worn out"... As & When We "behave like old"... & As & when We "think", "we are aged"...! Think about it...! Why don't we think,  we are toddlers...? Why don't we play like babies...? & Swing in swings...? Then, the chances are, We may "swing back to younger days", & We may "Feel as young"...! "Young in mind"...! "Young in thoughts"...! & "Young in actions"...! "Swing wildly"...! I Mumbai Murugan....

Wings are for flying..

First, grow your wings...! Wings,  that can fly you non-stop...! Wings,  that can weather any Strom...! Wings,  that knows how to navigate...! Wings,  that can face head winds, that can control & command tail winds, That can take you through hail storms, That can fly you to any altitude, That can take you to scenic destinations, That can transport you to Eldorado, Across seven seas, Across treacherous terains, On a desert safari... Wherever you want... Whatever your wish  & according to your will... The wings will take you...! & With the wings, you are not supposed to sit idle,  idling your time in walking or crawling...! YOU HAVE TO FLY...! FLY OUT TO WONDERLAND...! I MUMBAI MURUGAN....