
Showing posts from July, 2024

There is always hope, that, anything also could go right, & will become sleight

May be, It's fifty fifty , Or It's hundred percent... Whatever, Whatever that can go wrong, May also can go right..! Alright...? From, The first thoughts of  Wright brothers,  Who thought Man can fly, to Scaling the Everest, to Building space station, to Manned mission to Moon 🌛🌝  to Manned mission to Mars, to Space tourism... Anything, That may go wrong, Can go right 👍😊.. Alright...! Any limits....? Sky is the lower limit...! I Mumbai Murugan....

"Success" comes after "hard work".

Yes,...! Not only "Success", But also, "Award," "Appreciation", "Fame", "Fortune", "Health", "Wealth", "Money", "Reward", & "Rest", All Comes before "work"...! Where ..? In only in one place,  & that too, in alphabetical order,...! & all "appearing before Work"...! In a dictionary....! In real life...? "Every reward",  "Every success", "Fame" & "fortune", 🔮✨🌠  All comes after, "Work" ..! "Very hard work"...! "Appreciation" after "perspiration"...! "Rest" after very hard work...! & "Inspiration" after "perspiration"...! May be, Even dictionary says, If you want, success, fame & fortune, then, "W"ork with "z"real...! I Mumbai Murugan....