
Showing posts from August, 2021

A chance

This message is not a    " by chance received"...msg. Its a real "chance" for introspection... Take this "chance" change from this "chance" Take "chances"...take risks ... enjoy using this "chance".. "Forgive" using this "chance": Forget the pain & sufferings... Take this day, as a chance to change ... Mumbai Murugan....

To be happy

All you need is.... Just only one please all Gods... Just only one key to unlock all your locks.. Just only one solution....for all your problems... Just only one medicine....for all your   To be happy.... Requires some actions, qualities,  Let go of ego.... Let go of anger... Let go of expectations... Let go of Jealousy... Let go of aggression... Let go of gossiping... Let go of ALL NEGATIVITY.... Now, you are raring to go... Mumbai Murugan....

The one & only mantra

All you need is.... Just only one please all Gods... Just only one key to unlock all your locks.. Just only one solution....for all your problems... Just only one medicine....for all your  illness... Just only one solve all disputes... Just only one magic wand... Just only one ( Alladin's) magic lamp... It's  the one and only "Panacea" & that is... " BELIEVE IN YOURSELF"...& that's it.... Any thing is possible... Believe me.. . Mumbai Murugan....

finding the way

Start.... Continue  walking... Keep going... Fix your eyes firmly on the destination... Keep moving...even if the terrain is hard... Always  try  through newest routes... Keep up your momentum... Equip  yourself with unwavering faith..... Firmly belive in your Belief.... Listen to your inner voice...your  best  guide ever... Enthusiastically Keep your enthusiasm... Trust  your trust in the process...... & you will.... FIND YOUR WAY.... Get up...go & find a FIND YOUR WAY... & THAT'S THE ONLY WAY FORWARD.. See you the finest place on earth... MUMBAI MURUGAN....

Happiness on the face ☺πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒ is the best πŸ’„πŸ’„

Dear.... What gives the BEST MAKEUP  to OUR FACE.....? A small question answer session.... Here we go...... Lipstick....? Mmhuum.. Talcum powder....? Na.... Face cream.....? Not at all... Fairness cream...?...No.... Lotion....?.....Nope.... Face Bace coat...? ...Never.... Facial....? Never ....ever.... Then what...? Having........ A smile on your face... Will give you  the best makeup... Sympathetic eyes.... Will give you the glowing face.... Kind voice.... Will give you the charming face.... Peaceful mind.... Will give a perfect beauty... Understanding heart.... Will light up your face.... Lovely thoughts..... Will give you a  Lovable .face.... Smile, kindness, hearty innocent laugh ... All these ARE THE BEST MAKEUP..... YOU DECIDE.... MUMBAI MURUGAN......

Make others 😊 happy

Image have the power.... Power to make any one happy.... Power to help...even a unknown.... Power to feed, who cannot pay you back.. Power to give "QUALITY TIME" a lonely heart..... Power to say a kind word... Power to motivate.... Power to encourage.... Power to guide a blind in zebra crossings.... Power to educate the downtrodden... Power to do good things.... Power to plant and nurture a sapling.... Power to feed the poor... Power to enlighten a disillusioned... Power to bring smile on a weary face.... Power to console a grieving soul....... Power to do anything.... Good....better ....& The best... But dear friend.... don't use the power for negative things.... Mumbai Murugan.....

listening to the silence..silently

Here again....silently comes... Very very silent.....SILENCE.... Just sit with "Silence".... When you sit with "silence"... Please "Be silent".... Let "silence"..."speak" to you.... & Silently hear with the "Ears of your mind"... About your heart's deepest desires.... About your unfulfilled wishes... About your very secret.. "secrets".... About the hidden guilt in the depths of your heart.... About your dreams.... About your crush.... About the fears that holds you back.... About the fears that threatens you... About the fears ...that fears you... Silence with in.....has observed YOU silently... Sometimes... Silence can silence you...very very silently.... NOW ITS SILENCE.... Able to hear the silence....? Mumbai Murugan......

Life is a miracle. Believe in miracles.....& You are a Miracle....Of the 7 billion people, are only one....You are unique...You have all the potential...You are a rare combination....Your likes are specific....You cannot be copied....You cannot be duplicated....You cannot be reproduced....verbatim...You are only one of it's kind...You are a miracle...Believe in miracles..... Mumbai Murugan. ..

Believe in miracles..... & You are a Miracle.... Of the 7 billion people, are only one.... You are unique... You have all the potential... You are a rare combination.... Your likes are specific.... You cannot be copied.... You cannot be duplicated.... You cannot be reproduced....verbatim... You are only one of it's kind... You are a miracle... Believe in miracles..... Mumbai Murugan. ..