
Showing posts from December, 2020

"The present" has "presents" for us

Do you have the PAST with you...? Yes, in my memory... Can you go back to the past? Not possible "at present"... Do you have the future with you ..Now? Neither the future is with me...Now...! Now....What to do? What to do you have now...? Now, I have the "NOW" with me... "THE NOW "available ONLY in NOW...

heart's FEARLESS Dreams

Please "don't Mind" your fears... Let your "Heart" .... dream of "FEARLESS MIND"... Let the DREAMs lead the dreamy mind... Let the heart dream of  Wonders... Magics... Beauties... Mumbai Murugan...


Feeling guilty...? Anxious About the past Mistakes...? Missed opportunities...? What to do...? The past is "Gone for ever".... THERE IS "NO FUTURE", FOR "THE PAST" in "the PRESENT" & in "the Future"...! & THE FUTURE .. . "Has a bright future" definitely..... Provided .. Without Anxiety... If we go past the "past guilt"... If we go past the "past mistakes"... If we go through the present... In a presentable way... With presence of mind..... Mumbai Murugan....
Pain... Is a suffering... But, Are you going to suffer  Or Survive... It's all depends on you... You can survive with pain, & without sufferings... & Sufferings... Are really painful.. But,  If you choose ... Not to suffer.. then, It will suffice... Decide...

Feelings are welcome...& only welcome feelings to stay

Any feeling... Anger... Amusement.. Contentment... Joy... Pride... Peace... Happiness... Worry... Anxiety... & yes... Excitement... But don't get excited... Let any feelings come & go... Let any feeling visit us... BUT... Try to retain the good feelings... Positive ones... Encouraging feelings... Lovely feelings... Let Love remain... Courage remain... Kindness remain in our house.&in our mind. MUMBAI MURUGAN...

help please

Help some one... Any one. . Any time... Any where... Any how.. In any way.. Somehow... HELP....THAT MATTERS... Always... That's life is all about... That's the purpose... MUMBAI MURUGAN....